
Laboratorijska izdelava pripomočkov za začasno nadomestitev manjkajočih zob : diplomsko delo
ID Hussein, Tareq (Author), ID Ovsenik, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Hren, Doroteja (Comentor), ID Bohinc, Peter (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Nadomestitev manjkajočih zob je pomembna, ker je brez njih slabša estetika, oteženo je žvečenje in jasno govorjenje. Zobje podpirajo lica in ustnice, kar v primeru manjkajočih zob, tako imenovanih vrzeli, privede do povešenih ust. V nekaterih primerih se v vrzeli pričnejo pomikati sosednje zobje in antagonisti, kar vpliva na sposobnost enakomernega ugriza. Čeprav se mlečno zobovje nadomesti s stalnim zobovjem, je v zgodnjem razvojnem obdobju pomembno za stimulacijo rasti stomatognatega sistema. K razvoju zob prispevajo lokalni in sistemski dejavniki. Demografske spremembe v industrializiranih državah zahtevajo, da se zobozdravniki prilagodijo na rastočo skupino starejših pacientov ter razvoj konceptov zobozdravstvene oskrbe v teh primerih. Na splošno mora oskrba zob pri starejših temeljiti na njihovem vsakdanjem življenju. Skozi leta se je izboljšala ustna higiena na domu, vzpostavilo se je profesionalno čiščenje zob in protez. Izguba zob se najpogosteje pojavlja v višjih starostnih obdobjih, kar pomeni obsežno protetično rehabilitacijo z nesnemno in snemno zobno protetiko v višji povprečni starosti. Zobe lahko nadomeščamo s provizoriji, ki so lahko nesnemni ali snemni. Nesnemni so lahko cementirani na zobe pacienta ali pa na implantate. Slabost teh je težje čiščenje in posledično slabša higiena. Snemne delne proteze lahko pacientu zagotovijo estetsko olajšanje in funkcionalnost pred in med izdelavo dokončnega protetičnega nadomestka. Za izdelavo se lahko uporabljajo različni materiali in tehnike. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti vzroke za nepravilnosti v številu zob v razvojnih obdobjih zobovja pri otrocih in odraslih ter pripomočke, ki se uporabljajo za začasno nadomestitev pred izdelavo končnega protetičnega izdelka. Opisati želimo izdelavo nevidne zobne opornice z nadomestnim zobom v interkaninem področju zobnega loka. Glede na to, da je relativno majhno število razpoložljive literature na to tematiko, je namen dela tudi zbiranje literature, povezane z izdelki za začasno nadomeščanje zob. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela. V bazi diplomskih del RUL smo se prepričali, da v zadnjih desetih letih ni bilo napisanega diplomskega dela na podobno temo. Strokovno literaturo v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku smo iskali na spletnih portalih Google Scholar, PubMed, Science Direct, COBISS in V zobnem laboratoriju smo izdelali nevidni zobni aparat s členom za nadomestitev zoba 12. Posamezne faze izdelave smo dokumentirali s kamero mobilnega telefona One Plus CE 5G. Slike smo obdelali v programu GIMP. Rezultati: V zobnem laboratoriju smo izdelali nevidno zobno opornico, opisali postopke izdelave ter jih fotografirali s telefonom. Razprava in zaključek: V diplomskem delu smo predstavili obdobja rasti in razvoja zobovja ter čas izraščanja, razvoj nepravilnosti v številu zob, načrtovanje obravnave nepravilnosti v številu zob, izdelavo nevidne opornice, izbiro barve pred izdelavo nadomestka, razloge za napake pri določanju barve in način za preprečevanje pri določanju barvnega odtenka. Predstavili smo tudi oblikovne značilnosti zob pri moških in ženskah. Opisali smo tudi nekaj začasnih nadomestkov, ki se izdelajo pred izdelavo dokončnega. Izdelali smo začasno nevidno opornico iz folije z vključenim členom na področju manjkajočega zoba 12.

Keywords:diplomska dela, laboratorijska zobna protetika, nevidna opornica z zobom, karies, ageneza, izguba zob pri otrocih in odraslih, protetična obravnava
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Hussein]
Number of pages:36 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162327 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:208472323 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Laboratory manufacture of temporary replacements of missing teeth : diploma work
Introduction: Replacing missing teeth is important because without them it is difficult to chew and speak clearly. The teeth support the cheeks and lips which in case of missing teeth, so-called gaps, leads to droopy mouth. In some cases adjacent teeth and antagonists begin to move into the gap. This affects the ability to bite evenly. Although milk teeth are replaced by permanent teeth, they are important during childhood for chewing, speaking and stimulating the growth of the stomatognathic system. Local and systemic factors contribute to tooth development. Demographic changes in industrialized countries require dentists to adapt to the growing group of elderly patients, as well as the development of concepts for dental care in these cases. In general, dental care for the elderly should be based on their daily life. Oral hygiene at home has improved over the years and professional cleaning of teeth and dentures has been established. Tooth loss occurs in older age, which means extensive prosthetic rehabilitation from fixed and removable dental prosthetics to a higher average age. Teeth can be replaced with provisionals which can be fixed or removable. They can be fixed on the patient's teeth or on implants. They are immovably cemented to the teeth. The disadvantage of these is that they are harder to clean and, as a result, poorer hygiene. Removable partial dentures can provide the patient with aesthetic relief and functionality before and during the fabrication of the final prosthetic replacement. Different materials and techniques can be used for its manufacture. Purpose: The purpose of my thesis is to present the reasons for missing teeth and tooth loss in children and adults, as well as the substitutes that are used for temporary replacement before the final prosthetic is made. We have presented the production of an invisible dental appliance with a replacement tooth, to replace a missing tooth in the intercanine area. Since there are not many sources of literature on this topic, purpose is also to collect literature related to the products that are manufactured in the dental laboratory for temporary tooth replacement. Methods: We have used the descriptive method of work in my diploma work. In the database of diploma works in RUL in the last ten years no thesis has been written on a similar topic. We have also searched for professional literature in Slovenian and English on the web portals Google Scholar, PubMed and Science Direct. COBISS and In the dental laboratory we have made an invisible dental appliance with a pontic to replace tooth 12. We have documented the individual stages of production with the One Plus CE 5G mobile phone camera. We have processed the images in GIMP. Results: We have made a replacement in the dental laboratory and photographed the manufacturing process with my phone. Discussion and conclusion: In our diploma thesis we have presented the age periods of the growth of individual teeth, the abnormalities that lead to a lack, the choice of colour before making a denture, the reasons for errors in determining the colour and the way to prevent it when determening the color shade. We have briefly presented the shapes of teeth and shape statistics in men and women. All this must be taken into account when choosing acrylic teeth, in case we do not know what shape the pacient's teeth had been before the loss. We have also listed and briefly described some temporary substitutes that are made before the final one is made. We have made a provisional from foil for the production of retention foils, with the addition of an article in the sub-area of the missing tooth 12.

Keywords:diploma theses, laboratory dental, clear appliance with a pontic, caries, agenesis, tooth loss in children and adults, temporary prosthetic treatment

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