
Načrtovanje enodružinske nizkoenergijske hiše na poplavnem območju
ID Kosi, Žiga (Author), ID Pajek, Luka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rusjan, Simon (Comentor)

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V diplomski nalogi načrtujemo primer pritlične enodružinske hiše, prilagojene za gradnjo na poplavnem območju, kjer so tla hiše dvignjena nad terenom. Osredotočamo se na zasnovo nizkoenergijske gradnje, ki upošteva zahteve Pravilnika o učinkoviti rabi energije v stavbah in Tehnične smernice TSG-1-004. Prvi del naloge obsega analizo lokacije in njenih hidroloških značilnosti, pri čemer uporabljamo hidrološko-hidravlične podatke za oceno tveganja poplav in določitev ustrezne višine dviga tal objekta nad terenom. Na podlagi ameriških smernic za gradnjo na poplavnih območjih predlagamo konkretne protipoplavne ukrepe, ki bodo zaščitili stavbo in njene uporabnike pred morebitnimi škodljivimi vplivi poplav. V nadaljevanju naloge predstavimo arhitekturni načrt hiše, ki vključuje omilitvene protipoplavne ukrepe, kot so dvignjena konstrukcija in uporaba poplavno odpornih materialov. Pri načrtovanju hiše se osredotočamo na reševanje detajlov v toplotnem ovoju zaradi dviga tal nad terenom, saj je to ključno za ohranjanje energijske učinkovitosti stavbe. Predlagane rešitve vključujejo dodatno toplotno izolacijo tal in optimizacijo toplotnih mostov, kar zmanjša toplotne izgube in poveča bivalno udobje. Z uporabo programskega orodja Therm smo analizirali temperaturno polje zasnovanih konstrukcijskih sklopov in odpravili toplotne mostove. Cilj naloge je bil načrtovati primer stavbe, pri kateri bo združena varnost pred poplavami in energijska učinkovitost. Ta pristop lahko služi kot primer dobre prakse za prihodnje projekte na podobnih območjih.

Keywords:poplavno območje, toplotna prehodnost, toplotni most, nizkoenergijska hiša, Ljubljansko barje, kolišča
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162326 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Designing a single-family low-energy house in flood zone
In this graduation thesis, we designed a single storey, single-family house adapted for construction in a flood-prone area, where the floor of the house is elevated above ground level. We focused on a low-energy building design that complies with the Regulation on the Efficient Use of Energy in Buildings requirements and the Technical Guidelines TSG-1-004. The first part of the thesis includes an analysis of the location and its hydrological characteristics, using hydrological-hydraulic data to assess flood risk and determine the appropriate elevation of the building floor above ground level. Based on American guidelines for construction in flood-prone areas, we propose specific flood protection measures to safeguard the building and its occupants from the potential harmful effects of flooding. The subsequent part of the thesis presents the architectural design of the house, which incorporates mitigation flood protection measures such as elevated construction and the use of flood-resistant materials. In the design of the house, we focus on addressing the details of the thermal envelope due to the suspended floor, as this is crucial for maintaining the building's energy efficiency. Proposed solutions include additional thermal insulation of the floors and optimization of thermal bridges, which reduces heat loss and enhances living comfort. Using the Therm software, we analysed the temperature field of the designed construction details and addressed and rectified the thermal bridges. The thesis aims to develop an effective plan that combines flood safety and energy efficiency. This approach can be a good practice example for future projects in similar areas.

Keywords:flood zone, thermal conductivity, thermal bridge, low-energy house, the Ljubljana marsh, pile dwellings

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