
Vpliv kitajskih mednarodnih odnosov na pekinške olimpijske igre 2008 in 2022 : diplomsko delo
ID Kotnik, Laura (Author), ID Veselič, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo se osredotoča predvsem na vpliv kitajskih mednarodnih odnosov na olimpijske igre v Pekingu leta 2008 in leta 2022, ki jih obravnavam skozi koncepte mehke in pametne moči ter športne diplomacije. Olimpijske igre (OI) so odlična priložnost za države, da dokažejo svojo gospodarsko moči in upravljavske in organizacijske sposobnosti celotni mednarodni skupnosti, zato se države, sploh tiste, ki se želijo na novo vzpostaviti v mednarodnem prostoru, resno zavzemajo za pridobitev naziva države gostiteljice. Pri izboru za državo gostiteljico je potrebno izpolnjevati določene pogoje, kot so ustrezen prostor, finančna stabilnost, ekološka zadostnost itd. Države gostiteljice skozi vodenje olimpijskih iger sicer pridobijo prestiž, vendar pogosto poleg hvale, dobi več kritik. V času tekmovanj je ves svet poleg vodenja iger osredotočen tudi na državni sistem, zunanjo politiko države in specifične težave znotraj same države. Tak je tudi primer obeh olimpijad na Kitajskem, kjer so se zaradi nestrinjanja s kitajsko notranjo in zunanjo politiko pojavila negativna medijska poročanja ter protesti oziroma bojkoti prireditev s strani nekaterih držav. Naloga ob tem izpostavi različen položaj Kitajske v svetu ob olimpijadah: medtem ko je z OI leta 2008 Kitajska skušala pokazati, da je enakopravna, moderna članica mednarodne skupnosti, je leta 2022 to storila kot visokotehnološka supervelesila.

Keywords:mednarodni odnosi, športna diplomacija, Kitajska, olimpijske igre, Peking
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:L. Kotnik
Number of pages:40 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162317 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:208780035 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2024
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Title:The Impact of China's International Relations on the Beijing Olympics 2008 and 2022
The main focus of my thesis is on the impact of China's international relations on the Beijing 2008 and 2022 Olympic Games, which I address through the concepts of soft and smart power and sports diplomacy. The Olympic Games are an excellent opportunity for countries to demonstrate their economic strength and organisational skills to the whole international community, and therefore countries, especially those that want to re-establish themselves in the international arena, are seriously interested in becoming a host country. In order to be selected as a host country, certain conditions have to be met, such as adequate space, financial stability, ecological sufficiency, etc. Host countries do gain prestige through the running of the Olympic Games, but often, in addition to praise, they receive more criticism. At the time of the competitions, in addition to the running of the Games, the whole world is focused on the state system, the country's foreign policy and the specific problems within the country itself. This is also the case with the two Olympiads in China, where disagreements with Chinese domestic and foreign policy led to negative media coverage and protests or boycotts of the events by some countries. In this context, the thesis highlights China's different position in the world at the time of the Olympics: while the 2008 Olympics was China's attempt to show that it was an equal, modern member of the international community, in 2022 it did so as a high-tech superpower.

Keywords:international relations, sports diplomacy, China, The Olympic Games, Beijing

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