
Vpliv sesalne razvade sesanja prsta na razvoj zobnih in čeljustnih nepravilnosti : diplomsko delo
ID Klemenčič, Klara (Author), ID Ovsenik, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Mauer, Maja (Comentor), ID Bohinc, Peter (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Sesanje prsta je vedenje, ki se opredeljuje med neprehranjevalne sesalne razvade. V isto skupino spadajo tudi uporaba dude, sesanje različnih predmetov ali drugih prstov. Razvada sesanja prsta je obravnavana kot aktivnost, s katero se otrok samostojno potolaži, ko čuti frustracijo, nezadovoljstvo ali dolgčas. Poleg tega, sesanje prsta ali druge neprehranjevalne sesalne razvade otroku ne nudijo nikakršne prehranjevalne vrednosti. Sesanje prsta je pogosto vedenje pri otrocih, ki ga v večini primerov opustijo v dobi med drugim in četrtim letom starosti. Če se sesanje nadaljuje preko te starosti, se dolgoročno izraža v obliki malokluzije v stalnem zobovju. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je ustvariti sistematičen pregled morfoloških in dentoalveolarnih nepravilnosti, ki nastanejo kot posledica sesalne razvade sesanja prsta; pregled ortodontskih pripomočkov, ki se uporabljajo za obravnavo pridobljenih stanj in izdelava enega izmed najbolj uporabljenih. Metode dela: Metode dela temeljijo na pregledu in raziskovanju domače in tuje strokovne literature na področju čeljustne in zobne ortopedije ter laboratorijska izvedba čeljustno ortopedskega pripomočka. Rezultati: Izdelava snemne plošče z ograjico za preprečevanje vrivanja jezika in središčnim vijakom. Žični elementi so navadni labialen lok, dve dvojni Adamsovi zaponi na zobeh 15/16 in 25/26 ter ograjica za preprečitev vrivanja jezika. Vse elemente izdelamo iz vzmetno trde jeklene žice debeline 0,7 mm. V snemno ploščo vstavimo središčni vijak na področju zob 14/24 zaradi zožene zgornje čeljustnice. Razprava in zaključek: Po pregledu slovenske in mednarodne literature sem ugotovila, da je sesanje prsta izjemno trdovratna razvada, ki je v večini primerov uspešno zdravljena, četudi je le-ta obravnavana šele v odraslosti. Avtorji predelanih člankov navajajo, da je za otroka normalno, da razvado vzdržuje do približno četrtega leta starosti. Ta ponavadi izzveni med drugim in četrtim letom. Po šestem letu samoregulacija ni več mogoča in se možnost manifestacije nepravilnosti v stalnem zobovju poveča, kar je soodvisno od trajanja sesanja in kontakcijske sile. Ključnega pomena je, da se otroka poskusi odtegniti od razvade pred izrastjo stalnega zobovja. Sesanje prsta predstavlja velik izziv v ortodontski obravnavi. Razvada je zaradi neprestane prisotnosti prsta vedno omogočena. Odtegnitev ne predstavlja zgolj fizične spremembe, temveč otroku ustvarja občutek izgube nečesa, kar ga je prej v trenutku stiske potolažilo. Zahtevnost manifestiranega stanja je odvisna predvsem od trajanja sesanja, za tem takoj sledi sila kontrakcije. Negativne posledice, pridobljene s sesalno razvado prsta, se prikazujejo v transverzalnih in vertikalnih nepravilnostih in se rešujejo s fiksnimi in snemnimi čeljustno ortopedskimi pripomočki. Poleg teh se za odvajanje od sesanja prsta uporabljajo prepreke, ki otroku zavrejo željo po sesanju. V kolikor težava ni rešena v otroški dobi, je stanje do določene mere mogoče rešiti v odraslosti. V takih primerih je potrebna poleg uporabe ortopedskih pripomočkov interdisciplinarna ortodontsko-kirurška obravnava.

Keywords:diplomska dela, laboratorijska zobna protetika, neprehranjevalne sesalne razvade, sesanje prsta, primarna denticija, ortodontske nepravilnsoti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Klemenčič]
Number of pages:34 str., [1] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162298 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:208429315 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The effects of digit sucking habits on the development of dental and jaw abnormalities : diploma work
Introduction: Finger sucking is a habitual non-nutritive behaviour. Sucking habits include dummy sucking, sucking on different objects or other fingers. The habit of finger sucking is viewed as an activity with which a child soothes himself, when he feels frustration, dissatisfaction, or boredom. The habit of finger sucking does not provide any nutritional value to the child. The habit of thumb sucking is a common one and is usually abandoned between the ages of two and four. If sucking continues beyond this age, it manifests itself in the long term as malocclusion in the permanent dentition. Purpose: The aim of this thesis is creating a systematic review of morphological and dento-alveolar abnormalities that occur because of a non-nutritive sucking habit and a review of orthodontic appliances used to treat acquired conditions. Methods: Methods of work base on the overview and research of Slovenian and foreign literature in the field of maxillofacial and dental orthopaedics as well as a laboratory implementation of a maxillofacial orthopedic appliance. Results: The making of a removable aacrilate plate with an integrated tongue thrusting barrier and a central screw. Wire elements of the appliance are regular labial bow, two double Adams clasps on teeth 15/16 and 25/26 and the tongue thrusting barrier. All wire elements are made out of 0,7 thick steel wire. Due to the narrow upper jaw a central screw is placed in the area of teeth 14/24. Discussion and conclusion: After reviewing Slovenian and international literature I came to the conclussion that the habit of digit sucking is an extremly tenacious behaviour, which is sucesufully treated in most cases, even the cases where treatment is started in adulthood. Authors of the reviewed literature report, that is is normal for a child to keep the digit sucking behavoiour up to about the age of four. The habit usually ceases between the ages of two and four. After the childs sixth year, self regulation ceases and the manifestation of irregularities in the permanent dentition are higher, depenting of the contraction forces. It is essential that the child tries to stop with the habit before the growth of permanent dentition. Digit sucking is a major challenge in orthodontics treatment. The habit, due to the constant avaliability is always there and therefore cannot be taken away. Ceasing the habit doesn´t present just as a physical change, but also envokes a feeling of loss of something what could instantly comfort a child. The severitz of the manifested state is primarly depentant of the duration of sucking, which is immediately followed by the force of contraction. Negative consequences obtained with suction habit of the finger appear in transversal and vertical irregularities and are solved with fixed and removable appliances. In addition to these, barriers are used to dissuade the child from sucking the finger, which inhibits the child’s desire to suck. If the problem is not resolved in childhood, it can be resolved to some extent in adulthood. In such cases, in addition to the use of orthopedic devices, interdisciplinary orthodontic-surgical treatment is required.

Keywords:diploma theses, laboratory dental prosthetics, non-nutritive sucking habits, finger sucking, primary dentition, orthodontic irregularities

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