
Vpliv puromicina in seruma na izražanje miozina in piruvat dehidrogenaza kinaze v skeletnomišičnih celicah
ID Ogrizek, Ivana (Author), ID Pirkmajer, Sergej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Miš, Katarina (Comentor)

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Uvod: Puromicin in pomanjkanje seruma imata pomemben vpliv na stabilnost in razpolovno dobo proteinov v skeletnih mišičnih celicah. Piruvat dehidrogenaza kinaza 1 (PDK1) ima osnovno vlogo pri regulaciji celičnega metabolizma, saj nadzira aktivnost piruvat dehidrogenaznega kompleksa. Stabilnost in razpolovna doba PDK1 sta ključna za dolgoročno uravnavanje energetskega ravnotežja, ker PDK1 nadzira pretvorbo piruvata v acetil koencim A. Razpolovne dobe PDK1, transkripcijskega dejavnika STAT3 in težke verige miozina počasne izooblike (MyHC-β/slow) se razlikujejo zaradi njihovih specifičnih vlog v celičnih procesih: STAT3, kot transkripcijski dejavnik, ima kratko razpolovno dobo; PDK1, pomemben za presnovno regulacijo, ima daljšo razpolovno dobo; medtem ko MyHC-β/slow, kot strukturni protein, izkazuje najdaljšo razpolovno dobo zaradi počasne obnove mišičnih vlaken. Poleg tega puromicin in pomanjkanje seruma lahko vplivata na signalno pot mTOR (mehanistična tarča rapamicina), ki je temeljna za regulacijo sinteze proteinov in prilagajanje celičnega odziva na stres. Namen: Preučiti vpliv puromicina in seruma na izražanje ter razpolovno dobo PDK1, STAT3 in MyHC-β/slow, ter vpliv na signalno pot mTOR. Hipoteze: 1) Raven PDK1 se pod vplivom puromicina zniža počasneje kot raven STAT3 in hitreje kot raven težke verige miozina (MyHC-β/slow); 2) Puromicin in odtegnitev seruma zmanjšata aktivnost signalne poti mTOR; 3) Odtegnitev seruma nespecifično zniža raven vseh proteinov v skeletnomišičnih celicah. Metode: Uporabili smo podganje skeletne mišične celice L6 in s prenosom western določili izražanje proteinov ter izražanje genov z metodo verižne reakcije s polimerazo z reverzno transkripcijo v realnem času. Rezultati: V podganji celični liniji L6 je puromicin znižal izražanje celokupnih proteinov, PDK1 in MyHC-β/slow, povečal je fosforilacijo ribosomalnega proteina S6 (S6-RP) in vezavnega proteina 1 evkariontskega dejavnika iniciacije translacije 4E (4E-BP). Serum je značilno znižal izražanje celokupnih proteinov v podganjih skeletnomišičnih celicah, vendar je povečal prepisovanje mRNA za MyHC-β/slow. Zaključki: Puromicin in odtegnitev seruma znižata raven PDK1 in MyHC-β/slow hitreje kot STAT3, ki ostaja bolj stabilen. Puromicin poveča fosforilacijo in aktivacijo proteinov signalne poti mTOR (4E-BP, P70 ribosomalni protein S6 kinaza, S6-RP), medtem ko odtegnitev seruma ta učinek zmanjšuje. Odtegnitev seruma poveča izražanje MyHC-β/slow kljub splošnemu znižanju proteinov.

Keywords:puromicin, skeletnomišične celice, PDK1, miozin, serum
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162265 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The effect of puromycin and serum on myosin and pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase expression in skeletal muscle cells
Background: Puromycin and serum starvation have significant effects on the stability and half-life of proteins in skeletal muscle cells. Pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 1 (PDK1) plays a fundamental role in the regulation of cellular metabolism by controlling the activity of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex. The stability and half-life of PDK1 are crucial for the long-term regulation of energy balance because PDK1 controls the conversion of pyruvate to acetyl-coenzyme A. The half-lives of PDK1, the transcription factor STAT3, and the heavy chain of the slow myosin isoform (MyHC-β/slow) differ due to their specific roles in cellular processes: STAT3, as a transcription factor, has a short half-life; PDK1, important for metabolic regulation, has a longer half-life; while MyHC-β/slow, as a structural protein, exhibits the longest half-life due to the slow turnover of muscle fibers. In addition, puromycin and serum starvation may affect the mTOR (mechanistic target of rapamycin) signaling pathway, which is fundamental for regulating protein synthesis and adapting the cellular response to stress. Aims: (1) To determine how puromycin and serum affect the expression and half-life of PDK1, STAT3 and MyHC-β/slow. (2) To examine the effect of serum and puromycin on the mTOR signaling pathway. Hypotheses: 1) Under the influence of puromycin, the level of PDK1 decreases more slowly than the level of STAT3 and faster than the level of myosin heavy chain (MyHC-β/slow); 2) Puromycin and serum starvation decrease mTOR signaling pathway activity; 3) Serum starvation nonspecifically decreases the level of all proteins in skeletal muscle cells. Methods: We used rat L6 skeletal muscle cells as the experimental model and determined protein expression by Western blotting and gene expression by RT-qPCR. Results: Puromycin decreased the expression of total proteins, PDK1 and MyHC-β/slow, and also has increased phosphorylation of ribosomal protein S6 (S6-RP) and eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E (eIF4E)-binding protein (4E-BP) in the rat L6 cell line. Serum starvation significantly decreased the expression of total proteins in rat skeletal muscle cells, but was shown to increase mRNA transcription for MyHC-β/slow. Conclusions: Puromycin and serum withdrawal reduce PDK1 and MyHC-β/slow levels faster than STAT3, which remains more stable. Puromycin increases phosphorylation and activation of mTOR signalling pathway proteins (4E-BP, P70 ribosomal protein S6 kinase, S6-RP), while serum withdrawal reduces this effect. Serum withdrawal increases MyHC-β/slow expression despite an overall decrease in protein expression.

Keywords:puromycin, skeletal muscle cells, PDK1, myosin, serum

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