
Posredna vizualna reprezentacija dogodkov v medijih: fotografije umorov
ID Jakomin, Eva (Author), ID Tomanić-Trivundža, Ilija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ljudje številne družbene fenomene dojemamo na podlagi vizualnih vsebin, ki jih vsakodnevno ritualno konzumiramo prek medijev. Uredniške odločitve glede izbire fotografij v novinarskih člankih imajo velik pomen, ker vplivajo na družbeno zaznavanje zunanjega sveta. V diplomskem delu sem raziskala značilnosti poročanja in vlogo fotografij pri prikazovanju nasilnih smrti v vodilnem slovenskem tabloidu Slovenske novice. Osredotočila sem se na članke črne kronike, objavljene na eni najbolj obiskanih spletnih strani v Sloveniji, in na njihovo vlogo pri konstrukciji diskurza družbene realnosti ter (ne)prikazovanja nasilja. Fotografije v medijih niso le prikazi resničnosti, temveč tudi izrazi družbene interpretacije smrti. Ker v Slovenskih novicah izstopa predvsem posredna vizualna reprezentacija najhujših kaznivih dejanj, sem se osredotočila na določene uredniške vzorce posrednega prikazovanja kriminala. S pomočjo vizualne analize izbranega vzorca, ki zajema štiri naključne tedne v letu 2022, sem pojasnila določene vidike načina poročanja in uredniške izbire fotografij, prisotnih v člankih, ki opisujejo umore, uboje ter poskuse teh.

Keywords:novinarska fotografija, umor, tabloidi, mediji
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162261 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Indirect visual representation of events in the media: Photographic depictions of murders
People perceive many social phenomena based on the visual content presented daily through the media. Editorial decisions regarding the choice of photographs in news articles are therefore of great importance, as they influence society's perception of the external world. In my thesis, I explored the characteristics of reporting and the role of photographs in depicting violent deaths in the leading Slovenian tabloid called Slovenske novice. I focused on crime news articles published on one of the most visited websites in Slovenia and their role in constructing the discourse of social reality and the (non)representation of violence. Photographs in the media are not merely depictions of reality but also expressions of societal interpretations of death. Since Slovenske novice particularly emphasizes indirect visual representations of the most severe criminal acts, I concentrated on specific editorial patterns of indirect crime depiction. Through a visual analysis of a sample covering four random weeks in 2022, I examined aspects of reporting and editorial choices of photographs present in articles describing murders.

Keywords:journalistic photography, murder, tabloids, media

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