
Vzpon in padec Alberta Fujimorija: avtoritarizem in protiteroristični ukrepi v Peruju
ID Senečič, Tomaž (Author), ID Prebilič, Vladimir (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomska naloga obravnava vladavino Alberta Fujimorija v Peruju med letoma 1990 in 2000, s poudarkom na njegovih protiterorističnih ukrepih. V uvodnem delu je predstavljeno politično in ekonomsko stanje Peruja pred njegovim prihodom na oblast ter vzpon teroristične organizacije Sijoča pot. Sledi analiza Fujimorijevih ukrepov na pravnem, političnem, vojaškem, gospodarskem in medijskem področju, zlasti v kontekstu boja proti terorizmu. Naloga podrobneje preučuje njegove metode vladanja, kot so državni udar leta 1992, sprememba ustave in centralizacija oblasti. Posebno pozornost namenja njegovim ekonomskim ukrepom, znanim kot fujishock, ki so vključevali stabilizacijo gospodarstva in boj proti inflaciji. Opisane so tudi Fujimorijeve medijske strategije ter oblikovanje kulta osebnosti. V nalogi so obravnavani dolgoročni učinki njegove vladavine na perujsko politiko, gospodarstvo in družbo, s poudarkom na vprašanjih korupcije in neoliberalnih reform. Posebna osredotočenost je namenjena Fujimorijevim strategijam boja proti terorizmu, kot so ustanovitev posebnih vojaških enot in podpora lokalnim vaškim stražam. Diplomsko delo se dotakne tudi njegovega padca leta 2000 ter kasnejših sodnih postopkov proti njemu. Zaključek ponuja pregled Fujimorijeve politične zapuščine in njenega vpliva na sodobni Peru.

Keywords:Alberto Fujimori, Protiterorizem, Moč in oblast, Sijoča pot, Peru
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162259 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The Rise and Fall of Alberto Fujimori: Authoritarianism and Counterterrorism in Peru
The thesis examines the rule of Alberto Fujimori in Peru between 1990 and 2000, with a focus on his anti-terrorism measures. The introductory section presents the political and economic situation in Peru prior to Fujimori's rise to power and the emergence of the terrorist organization Shining Path. This is followed by an analysis of Fujimori's policies in the legal, political, military, economic, and media sectors, particularly in the context of combating terrorism. The thesis delves into his governance methods, such as the 1992 coup, constitutional reform, and centralization of power. Special attention is given to his economic policies, known as Fujishock, which aimed at stabilizing the economy and fighting inflation. It also discusses Fujimori's media strategies and the construction of his personality cult. The thesis further explores the long-term effects of his rule on Peruvian politics, economy, and society, with a focus on issues of corruption and neoliberal reforms. Particular emphasis is placed on Fujimori's anti-terrorism strategies, including the establishment of special military units and support for local peasant militias. The work also touches on his fall from power in 2000 and the subsequent legal proceedings against him. The conclusion offers an overview of Fujimori's political legacy and its impact on modern Peru.

Keywords:Alberto Fujimori, Counter-terrorism, Power and authority, Shining Path, Peru

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