
Javni uslužbenci v tržni dejavnosti: primer šolskega hotela Astoria
ID Rešek, Klemen (Author), ID Haček, Miro (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo obravnava konkurenčnost upravljanja kadrov, javnih uslužbencev v turističnem gospodarstvu ter primerjavo plačnih sistemov javnih uslužbencev v tržni dejavnosti in delavcev v zasebnem sektorju. Predstavljene so osnovne značilnosti uslužbenskega sistema skupaj s definicijami javne uprave, javnega uslužbenca in plačnega sistema javnih uslužbencev. Podrobneje je opisano upravljanje, delovanje in financiranje javnih zavodov. V nadaljevanju je predstavljen primer delovanja javnega zavoda Višja strokovna šola za gostinstvo, velnes in turizem Bled, v katerem deluje samostojna organizacijska enota Medpodjetniškega izobraževalnega centra, šolski hotel Astoria. Raziskovalni del naloge preko anketnega vprašalnika razišče in primerja zadovoljstvo s plačnim sistemom javnih uslužbencev v tržni dejavnosti šolskega hotela Astoria in zadovoljstvo delavcev, zaposlenih v zasebnem sektorju konkurenčnega hotela v turistični destinaciji Bled. Na podlagi anketnih odgovorov zaposlenih, tako javnih uslužbencev kot delavcev v zasebnem sektorju, je narejena analiza odgovorov, ki skupaj z vsebino intervjuja obeh vodstev hotelov poda mnenje o konkurenčnosti, prednostih in slabostih obeh plačnih sistemov.

Keywords:uslužbenski sistem, javni zavod, javni uslužbenec, tržna dejavnost, plačni sistem javnega sektorja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162256 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Public employees in market activities: the case of the Astoria school hotel
The thesis deals with the competitiveness of human resources management of public employees in the tourism industry and the comparison of the salary systems of public employees in market activity and workers in the private sector. The basic characteristics of the public employee system are presented, together with the definitions of public sector, public employee, and public sector salary system. The management, operation, and financing of public institutions are described in more detail. An example of the operation of the public institute Higher Vocational School for Hospitality, Wellness, and Tourism Bled, in which operates an independent organizational unit of the Intercompany Education Centre, the school hotel Astoria, is presented. Through a questionnaire, the research part of the thesis investigates and compares the satisfaction with the salary system of public employees in the market activity of the Astoria school hotel and the satisfaction with the salary system of employees in the private sector of a competitive hotel in the tourist destination Bled. Based on the survey responses of employees, both public and private sector employees, an analysis of the responses is made, which together with the content of the interview of both hotel managers, gives an opinion on the competitiveness, advantages, and disadvantages of both pay systems.

Keywords:public employees system, public institution, public employee, market activity, public sector salary system

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