
Krizna in diplomatska politična komunikacija v času prvega vala krize covida-19: primer komuniciranja predsednikov vlad Francije, Avstrije in Slovenije na Twitterju
ID Zabret, Tadeja (Author), ID Udovič, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo obravnava prakso komuniciranja predsednikov vlad Francije, Avstrije in Slovenije prek Twitterja v prvem valu krize covida-19, in sicer kako pogosto so tvitali o covidu-19, kakšna je bila struktura teh tvitov glede na vsebnost besedila in drugih interaktivnih elementov ter koliko in kako so izbrani predsedniki vlad v analiziranem obdobju Twitter uporabljali za krizno komuniciranje ter koliko in kako za posredovanje sporočil o svojih diplomatskih ciljih. Naloga v teoretsko-konceptualnem okvirju konceptualizira in operacionalizira koncepte odnosov z javnostmi, političnega komuniciranja in krizne komunikacije v zdravstveni krizi, empirični del pa prinaša analizo komunikacijske prakse premierjev v analiziranem obdobju. Ta kaže velik vpliv krize covida-19 na komuniciranje izbranih premierjev na Twitterju, izkazuje poudarek na interni in krizni komunikaciji ter prikaže razlike v komunikacijskih stilih analiziranih primerov glede na uporabljene grafične elemente. Krizna komunikacija kaže poudarek na informativnih tvitih premierjev v analizi. Analiza daje tudi izhodišča za praktična komunikacijska priporočila, ki jih je mogoče uporabiti v prihodnjih sorodnih okoliščinah.

Keywords:predsednik vlade, krizno komuniciranje, diplomatsko komuniciranje, covid-19, politično komuniciranje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162251 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Crisis and diplomatic political communication during the first wave of the COVID-19 crisis: A case study of communication by the prime ministers of France, Austria, and Slovenia on Twitter
The master's thesis examines the communication practices of the prime ministers of France, Austria, and Slovenia via Twitter during the first wave of the covid-19 crisis. It focuses on how frequently they tweeted about covid-19, the structure of these tweets in terms of text content and other interactive elements, and the extent to which the selected prime ministers used Twitter for crisis communication and messages about their diplomatic objectives during the analyzed period. Within the theoretical-conceptual framework, the thesis conceptualizes and operationalizes the concepts of public relations, political communication, and crisis communication in a health crisis. The empirical section provides an analysis of the communication practices of prime ministers during the analyzed period. It reflects the significant impact of the covid-19 crisis on the Twitter communication of the selected prime ministers, highlighting a focus on internal and crisis communication. It also reveals differences in the communication styles of the analyzed cases based on the use of graphic elements. The crisis communication emphasizes the prominence of informative tweets by the prime ministers in the analysis. The analysis also offers practical communication recommendations that can be applied in similar situations in the future.

Keywords:prime minister, crisis communication, diplomatic communication, covid-19, political communication

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