
Uporaba micelija v arhitekturnem oblikovanju. Idejna zasnova industrijskega obrata za izdelavo biokompozitov v Ljubljani.
ID Stavrev, Marko (Author), ID Ažman Momirski, Lucija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Berčič, Tomaž (Comentor), ID Mahovič, Andrej (Comentor)

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Zaradi današnje uporabe netrajnostnih materialov v gradbeništvu se arhitekturna stroka v prihodnosti sooča z velikimi izzivi. Večina trenutno uporabljenih materialov v gradbeništvu ni primerna za reciklažo ali ponovno uporabo, kar vodi v onesnaževanje okolja in izčrpavanje naravnih virov. Naravni material, kot je podgobje - micelij, predstavlja obetavno rešitev, saj ponuja obnovljivo, biorazgradljivo alternativo z nizkim ogljičnim odtisom. Z izrabo dobrih lastnosti podgobja je mogoče ustvariti nove trajnostne izdelke in polizdelke za uporabo v gradbeništvu. Magistrska naloga se, poleg arhitekturnega oblikovanja industrijskega obrata za izdelavo biokompozitov, osredotoča tudi na raziskovanje procesa gojenja micelija kot gradbenega materiala. To vključuje izdelavo maket in laboratorijsko testiranje, kar omogoča poglobljen vpogled v sam proizvodni proces izdelkov iz micelija Cilj naloge je zasnovati arhitekturno napreden in okolju prijazen industrijski obrat, laboratorij ter center za obiskovalce, namenjen raziskovanju procesa gojenja in proizvodnji gradbenih izdelkov ter polizdelkov iz micelija. Industrijski obrat za izdelavo biokompozitov je smiselno umeščen v prostor in načrtovan v obliki linearne strukture s petimi volumni v obliki prstnega tlorisa. Konstrukcija obrata je modularna, sestavljena iz kombinacije lesa in micelija.

Keywords:Industrija, micelij, lesena gradnja, recikliranje, Ljubljana, arhitektura.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162246 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2024
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Title:The use of mycelium in architectural design. Conceptual design of an industrial plant for the production of biocomposites in Ljubljana
Due to the current use of unsustainable materials in construction, the architectural field faces significant challenges in the future. Most of the materials currently used in construction are not suitable for recycling or reuse, leading to environmental pollution and depletion of natural resources. A natural material like mycelium presents a promising solution, offering a renewable, biodegradable alternative with a low carbon footprint. By utilizing the beneficial properties of mycelium, it is possible to create new sustainable products and semi-finished products for use in construction. This master’s thesis focuses not only on the architectural design of an industrial facility for the production of bio composites but also on the exploration of the process of growing mycelium as a building material. This includes the creation of models and laboratory testing, providing an in-depth insight into the production process of mycelium-based products. The goal of the thesis is to design an architecturally advanced and environmentally friendly industrial facility, laboratory, and visitor center dedicated to the exploration of the cultivation process and the production of building products and semi-finished goods from mycelium. The industrial facility for the production of bio composites is thoughtfully situated and designed as a linear structure with five volumes in the form of a finger-like floor plan. The facility’s construction is modular, composed of a combination of wood and mycelium.

Keywords:industry, mycelium, timber construction, recycling, Ljubljana, architecture.

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