
Preskrbljenost prebivalcev Slovenije z ustrezno zalogo hrane
ID Križnik, Nina (Author), ID Pajk Žontar, Tanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Bertoncelj, Jasna (Comentor)

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Izredne razmere lahko povzročijo pomanjkanje hrane. Čeprav ob takšnih dogodkih reagirajo pristojne državne ustanove, je za zagotovitev prehranske varnosti pomembno predvsem preventivno delovanje prebivalcev. Cilj magistrskega dela je bil preučiti ozaveščenost prebivalcev Slovenije o nacionalnih priporočilih za nujno zalogo hrane, oceniti primernost zalog hrane v gospodinjstvih in opredeliti dejavnike, ki vplivajo na njihovo količino. V anketi z reprezentativnim vzorcem je sodelovalo 815 prebivalcev Slovenije, starejših od 18 let. Ugotovili smo, da več kot 75,0 % prebivalcev ni seznanjenih s priporočili Uprave Republike Slovenije za zaščito in reševanje (URSZR) o nujnih zalogah hrane. Glede na priporočila URSZR, anketiranci v priporočenih količinah najpogosteje hranijo sladkor, sol, jedilno olje, marmelado in rdečo peso v kisu, najmanj pogosto pa prepečenec, vodo, mesne omake v pločevinki, rezine (npr. žitne, sadne, beljakovinske) in suh kvas. Vrednotenje zalog živil, ki jih za primer izrednih razmer priporoča URSZR, z vidika energijske in hranilne ustreznosti, je pokazala, da bi bilo z zalogami mesec dni in več samozadostnih 17,0 % anketirancev in njihovih članov gospodinjstva. Le 19,1 % pa jih ima na zalogi tekočino (vodo in druge pijače) za 3 dni in več. Rezultati so pokazali, da na količino zalog hrane vpliva več dejavnikov. Statistično povezavo med količinami zalog hrane smo prepoznali v primeru ocene verjetnosti nastanka izrednih razmer, ocene samozadostnosti in samooskrbnosti, poznavanja nacionalnih priporočil za nujno zalogo hrane, tipa bivališča, regije, števila članov v gospodinjstvu, števila otrok v gospodinjstvu, spola in starosti. Ugotovitve naše raziskave lahko pomagajo pri oblikovanju učinkovitih strategij za ozaveščanje prebivalcev o pomenu priprave zalog hrane za primer kriznih situacij, kar lahko poveča njihovo prehransko varnost v času izrednih razmer.

Keywords:izredne razmere, prehranska varnost, zaloga hrane, preskrbljenost, pripravljenost, gospodinjstvo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[N. Križnik]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162244 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:208320003 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Adequate food supply of the Slovenian population
Emergency situations can lead to sudden food shortages. Although state institutions respond to such events, ensuring food security in emergency situations primarily depends on the preventive measures taken by the population. The aim of the master's thesis was to investigate the level of awareness of the Slovenian population regarding the national recommendations for emergency food supplies, to assess the adequacy of households' food supplies and to identify the factors influencing their quantity. The survey, which included a representative sample, involved 815 Slovenian residents aged 18 years and older. The results showed that more than 75.0% of the population is not familiar with the recommendations of the Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief (URSZR) regarding emergency food supplies. Of the foods included in the URSZR recommendations, Slovenian households most frequently store sugar, salt, cooking oil, jam and pickled red beet in the recommended quantities, while rusk, water, canned meat sauces, bars (e.g. cereal, fruit, protein), and dry yeast are least frequently stored. The assessment of emergency food supplies, recommended by URSZR, based on energy and nutrients adequacy showed that 17.0% of respondents and their household members would be self-sufficient with their food supplies for a month and more. However, only 19.1% of Slovenian households have a 3-day or longer supply of beverages (water and other drinks). The results indicate that several factors influence the amount of food supplies. We found statistically significant correlations between the amount of supplies and the estimation of the probability of emergencies, assessment of self-sufficiency, awareness of the national recommendations for emergency food supplies, type of residence, region, number of household members, number of children in the household, gender and age. The results of our research can help to develop effective strategies to raise citizens' awareness of the importance of preparing food supplies for emergency situations, which can improve their food security in times of crisis.

Keywords:emergency, food security, food supply, provision, preparedness, household

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