
Cerkev sv. Tomaža v Ratečah: Dediščinske vrednosti
ID Zaletelj, Karmen (Author), ID Novak Klemenčič, Renata (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Čebron Lipovec, Neža (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Delo raziskuje pomen vrednotenja kulturne dediščine in poudarja sodelovanje različnih deležnikov pri njenem ohranjanju. Na podlagi pregledanega arhivskega gradiva, prebrane literature in opravljenih polstrukturiranih pogovorov s sogovorniki naloga obravnava vrednosti, ki jih različni deležniki iz stroke in lokalnega prebivalstva pripisujejo pokopališki cerkvi sv. Tomaža v Ratečah. Cerkev je umetnostnozgodovinski spomenik lokalnega pomena, z gotskimi kipi in baročnimi zlatimi oltarji, na katerih je potekalo več konservatorsko-restavratorskih posegov. Zaradi različnih mnenj, ki so se oblikovala ob spreminjanju podobe oltarjev, se naloga ukvarja z vprašanjem njihove prezentacije in išče rešitve, kako bi bili ti prezentirani v skladu s konservatorsko-restavratorsko doktrino ter vrednostmi, ki jim jih pripisuje lokalno prebivalstvo. Raziskava poudarja, da sodelovanje med stroko in prebivalci vodi do trajnejših in boljših rešitev, ki povečujejo zanimanje za dediščino in njeno varstvo.

Keywords:cerkev sv. Tomaža v Ratečah, vrednotenje, zlati oltarji, konservatorski-restavratorski posegi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162232 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:208538371 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2024
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Title:The church of Saint Thomas in Rateče: Heritage values
The work explores the role of assessing the significance of cultural heritage and emphasizes the collaboration of various stakeholders in its preservation. Drawing on archival sources, scholarly literature, and semi-structured interviews with informants, it examines the values attributed to the cemetery church of St. Thomas in Rateče. The church is an art-historical local significance,featuring Gothic sculptures and Baroque golden altars, which have undergone multiple conservation-restoration interventions. Given the divergent opinions that have emerged regarding the changes to the altars, the study addresses the issue of how to present the altars in a manner consistent with conservation-restoration principles and the values held by the local populace. The research highlights the necessity of interdisciplinary collaboration in the preservation of cultural heritage, which must also involve the local community. It concludes that cooperation between professionals and residents leads to more sustainable and effective solutions, enhancing interest in and protection of heritage.

Keywords:church of Saint Thomas in Rateče, values, golden altars, conservation-restoration interventions

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