
Razvoj Gimnazije Celje - Center : diplomsko delo
ID Zeme, Ana (Author), ID Balkovec, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo nam predstavi kako se je razvijala današnja Gimnazija Celje – Center skozi svojih 112 let obstoja, kako sta nanjo vplivali vojni, reforme, spremembe šolstva in druge okoliščine. Na podlagi podatkov najdenih v arhivskih virih in različnih šolskih poročilih je ustvarjen pregled vsakdana njenih dijakov skozi desetletja delovanja šole, kako je potekalo njihovo šolanje, in kakšne so bile možnosti zanje. Izpostavljene so tako podobnosti kot razlike z današnjim šolstvom in dijaki Gimnazije Celje – Center. Skozi zgodovino same šole lahko vidimo odsev splošnih zgodovinskih okoliščin v državi in razmer v šolstvu, še posebej s področja pedagoškega izobraževanja, saj je bila Gimnazija Celje – Center večino svojega obstoja namenjena ravno izobraževanju novega pedagoškega kadra. Končni del diplomske naloge se posveča obšolskim dejavnostim, ki jih je šola izvajala nekoč, in tistim ki jih z dolgo tradicijo izvaja še danes, saj je ravno pestra ponudba izbirnih dejavnosti in mesto za prav vsakega dijaka tisto, kar je Gimnaziji Celje – Center že stoletje v ponos.

Keywords:šola, Celje, pedagogika, učiteljišče, pouk, reforma, dijak, učitelj
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:A. Zeme
Number of pages:44 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162229 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:208674819 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The development of Gimnazija Celje - Center
The thesis presents how Gimnazija Celje – Center has developed through its 112 years of existence, and how it was influenced by war, reform, changes in school systems, and other outer circumstances. An overview of students' everyday life during the decades of the school's existence as well as an overview of their schooling process and possibilities is created based on what I have found among archival material and school reports. The focus lies both on the similarities and differences between students and school systems then and now. Throughout the history of this school, we see a reflection of general historical circumstances in educational systems and our country, especially from the point of view of pedagogical education, as for the majority of its existence Gimnazija Celje – Center has been serving the purpose of educating new teachers. The final part of the thesis focuses on extracurricular activities offered by the school in its previous years, as well as those that continue their long tradition and are still available today, as the wide range of extracurricular activities along with a guaranteed place for every student to find themself is what Gimnazija Celje — Center prides itself on.

Keywords:school, Celje, pedagogy, college of education, class, reform, student, teacher

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