
Implementacija tehnoloških inovacij v vojsko od sredine 19. stol. do začetka 1. sv. vojne : diplomsko delo
ID Baronik, Klemen (Author), ID Cergol Paradiž, Ana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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19. stoletje zaznamujeta množična industrializacija in vzpon imperializma. Razni civilni izumi so prešli v vojaško rabo, da bi z njimi pridobili prednost pred ostalimi velesilami. Prišlo je do vzpona lokomotive, ki je hitro in učinkovito transportirala velike količine vojakov in opreme na fronto. Telegram je premagal razdalje in omogočil hitro komunikacijo med oddaljenimi poveljstvi in njihovimi armadami. Letalo in zračna ladja sta na bojišče prinesla izjemno izvidniško moč. Parne turbine so povečale hitrost in moč ladij, ter začele dobo velikih bojnih ladij razreda dreadnought. Pri konzervah so podaljšali rok trajanja hrane, kar je preprečilo množično lakoto na bojišču in razbremenilo logistiko dolgih vojaških pohodov. Napredki v medicini in boju proti malariji so skrajno zmanjšali smrtnost vojakov ter odprli vrata v notranjost Afrike in preostalih tropskih delov sveta. Popularnost filma s sabo je prinesla vzpon propagande kot učinkovitega medija za širjenje idealov in prepričanj. Fotoaparat je odpravil vso idealizacijo vojne in javnosti pokazal resničnost grozot na fronti.

Keywords:19. stoletje, vojna, tehnologija, inovacije, imperializem
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:K. Baronik
Number of pages:35 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162223 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:208647171 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The implementation of technological innovation into the army from the middle of the 19th century to the beginning of World War 1
The 19th century was marked by mass industrialization and the rise of imperialism. Various civilian inventions were adapted for military use to gain an advantage over other great powers. The rise of the locomotive allowed for the rapid and efficient transportation of large quantities of soldiers and equipment to the front. The telegram overcame distances and enabled quick communication between distant commands and their armies. Airplanes and airships brought exceptional reconnaissance power. Steam turbines increased the speed and power of ships, ushering in the era of dreadnought-class battleships. Canned food extended the shelf life of provisions, preventing mass starvation and easing the logistics of long military campaigns. Advances in medicine and against malaria reduced soldier mortality, opening the door for the great powers to penetrate the interior of Africa and other tropical regions. Film's popularity brought about the rise of propaganda as an effective medium for spreading ideals and beliefs. The camera eliminated all idealization of war, showing the public the grim reality of the front.

Keywords:19th century, war, technology, innovation, imperialism

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