
Minimalne temperature na območju Bistrice ob Sotli v obdobju 2019–2023
ID Šilc, Rok (Author), ID Ogrin, Darko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Območje, kjer leži Bistrica ob Sotli, spada pod robni del panonskih pokrajin. Je povečini gričevnato območje, malo poseljeno in reliefno razdrobljeno. Celotno območje je odprto proti vzhodu, zato je pod vplivom celinskih zračnih gmot. Na temperature zraka na mikro in lokalni ravni vplivajo predvsem lega, relief in raba tal. Relief vpliva predvsem na oblikovanje termalnega pasu in pasu temperaturne inverzije. Namen dela je ugotoviti, kako se prostorsko razporejajo minimalne temperature zraka in kateri dejavniki na njih vplivajo. Po podatkih meritev so povprečne minimalne temperature nižje v dolinah, kar je posledica temperaturne inverzije, absolutne minimalne temperature pa so najnižje v pasu gričevja in hribovja, kar pripisujemo večji izpostavljenosti hladnim zračnim masam v višjih legah. Temperaturne amplitude so višje v nižinah in v poletnem času.

Keywords:klimatogeografija, lokalno podnebje, minimalne temperature zraka, Bistrica ob Sotli, Slovenija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162220 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Minimum temperatures in the Bistrica ob Sotli area in the period 2019–2023
The area where Bistrica ob Sotli is located is part of the Pannonian marginal landscapes. It is a predominantly hilly area, sparsely populated and fragmented in relief. The whole area is open to the east and is therefore influenced by continental air masses. Air temperatures at micro and local level are mainly influenced by location, relief and land use. Relief mainly influences the formation of the thermal belt and the temperature inversion belt. The aim of this work is to determine how minimum temperatures are spatially distributed and which factors influence them. Average minimum temperatures are lower in the valleys due to temperature inversion, while absolute minimum temperatures are lowest in the hill and mountain belt, which is attributed to the greater exposure to cold air masses at higher elevations. Temperature amplitudes are higher in the lowlands and in summer.

Keywords:climatogeography, local climate, minimum air temperatures, Bistrica ob Sotli, Slovenia

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