
Študija poplavno ogroženih območij v porečju Rašice s pomočjo večkriterijske analize in orodja HEC-RAS
ID Oblak, Žiga (Author), ID Repe, Blaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Poplave so ena najpogostejših naravnih nesreč in lahko povzročijo veliko ekonomsko, ekološko in socialno škodo. Identifikacija in klasifikacija poplavno ogroženih območij je zato pomemben del hidrološkega monitoringa. Prepoznavanje poplavnih območij, lahko izvajamo na podlagi hidroloških modelov ali drugimi empiričnimi metodami. V študiji smo združili oba pristopa, saj so rezultati empiričnih metod pogosto precenjeni, rezultati hidravličnega modeliranja pa podcenjeni. Poleg tega so robustne metode empiričnih modelov bolj primerne za napovedovanje poplav kjer prevladuje kraška hidrologija. V diplomskem delu smo prepoznali 6 parametrov, ki vplivajo na poplave in jih s pomočjo metode AHP razvrstili glede na relativno moč vpliva. Metodologija temelji na podatkih in informacijah z minimalno subjektivnostjo večkriterijske analize. metodologija vključuje tudi mnenja in znanja o merilih in njihovih utežeh ter zagotavlja nabor možnosti za prostorske odločevalce. Na izbranem območju, porečju Rašice, smo identificirali območja visoke in zelo visoke poplavne nevarnosti, ki predstavlja 14% porečja, vendar zaradi smotrnosti človekovih posegov v obvodni prostor ne predstavlja večje ogroženosti za imetje ali infrastrukturo.

Keywords:poplavna nevarnost, AHP, hidravlično modeliranje, karta poplavne nevarnosti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162210 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:A study of flood prone areas in the Rašica river basin, incorporating multi criteria analysis and HEC-RAS
Floods are one of the most frequent natural disasters and cause considerable economic, ecological and social damage. The identification and classification of flood-prone areas is therefore an important part of hydrological monitoring. Identifying flood-prone areas can be defined by hydraulic modelling or other empirical methods. In this study, we have combined both approaches, as the results of empirical methods are often overestimated and the results of hydraulic modelling underestimated. Furthermore, robust empirical modelling methods are more suitable in karst areas. In this work, we first identified 6 factors that influence flooding and ranked them according to their relative importance using the AHP method. The methodology is based on data and information with a minimum of subjectivity of multi-criteria analysis. It also incorporates opinions and knowledge about the criteria and their weighting and provides a framework of knowledge for spatial decision-makers. In the selected area, the Rašica river basin, we have identified areas with high and very high flood risk, which represent 14% of the basin, but do not pose a significant risk to property or infrastructure due to the rationality of human interventions in the perimeter space.

Keywords:flood hazard, AHP, hydraulic modeling, flood hazard map

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