
Sodobni pristop k obravnavi manjkajočih delov lesenega nosilca na obrazu kipa Sedeča Marija Mojstra Trbojske Marije
ID Strašek, Ana (Author), ID Vuga, Martina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Vrenko, Tina (Comentor)

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Magistrska naloga obravnava konserviranje in restavriranje gotskega lesenega polikromiranega kipa Sedeče Marije, pripisanega Mojstru Trbojske Marije, ki je del zbirke Gornjesavskega muzeja Jesenice. Cilj naloge je bil razviti celovit pristop h konserviranju in restavriranju kipa. Posegi so vključevali čiščenje površinskih nečistoč, odstranjevanje potemnelega premaza, lokalno utrjevanje barvnih plasti, lakiranje površine ter retuširanje, pri čemer je bila posebna pozornost namenjena minimalnemu posegu in spoštovanju zgodovine umetnine. Cilj je bil doseči ustrezno estetsko podobo umetnine, ki pa ne vključuje nujno dopolnjevanje manjkajočih delov nosilca na obrazu. Zadnji del naloge se osredotoča na sodobne pristope k nadomeščanju manjkajočih delov s pomočjo virtualnih modelov. S fotogrametrijo smo ustvarili 3D modele kipov Sedeče Marije in dveh podobnih kipov istega avtorja, ki bi nam služila kot zgled, s pomočjo katerih bi lahko dopolnili manjkajoče dele obraza. Virtualna rekonstrukcija omogoča realistično simulacijo končnega videza in je v pomoč pri sprejemanju odločitev glede izvedbe dopolnjevanja manjkajočih delov v prihodnosti.

Keywords:konservatorstvo-restavratorstvo, dokumentacija, lesena polikromirana plastika, gotsko kiparstvo, Mojster Trbojske Marije, rekonstrukcija, čiščenje, magistrska naloga
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162161 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Modern approach to addressing missing sections of the wooden support on the face of the statue of Sitting Madonna by Master of Trboje Madonna
The master's thesis focuses on restoring a valuable Gothic wooden polychrome statue of the Seated Madonna, attributed to the Master of Trboje Madonna, from the collection of Gornjesavski muzej Jesenice. The aim of the thesis was to develop a comprehensive approach to the conservation treatment of the statue. Interventions included surface cleaning, removal of the darkened varnish, local consolidation of the paint layers, varnishing the surface, and retouching, with special attention given to minimal intervention and respecting the artwork's history. The goal was to achieve an appropriate aesthetic presentation of the artwork, which does not necessarily involve filling gaps or remodelling of the missing parts of the wooden support on the face. The final part of the thesis focuses on modern approaches to replacing missing parts using virtual models. Through photogrammetry, we created 3D models of the statues: Seated Madonna and two similar statues by the same author, which served as references to help us remodel the missing parts of the face. Virtual reconstruction enables a realistic simulation of the final appearance and can be helpful in deciding whether to carry out the completion of missing parts in the future.

Keywords:conservation-restoration, documentation, wooden polychrome sculpture, gothic sculpture, Master of Trboje Madonna, reconstruction, cleaning, MA thesis

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