
Sinteza in biološko vrednotenje selektivnih heterobifunkcionalnih razgrajevalcev butirilholin esteraze
ID Podboršek, Luka (Author), ID Knez, Damijan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pišlar, Anja (Comentor)

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Tehnologija heterobifunkcionalnih razgrajevalcev – molekul PROTAC, imenovanih tudi himerni razgrajevalci, predstavlja napreden pristop k tarčni razgradnji proteinov, ki za selektivno odstranjevanje patoloških proteinov izkorišča ubikvitin-proteasomski sistem. Ta pristop omogoča selektivno usmerjeno razgradnjo proteinov, kar je lahko izjemno uporabno pri zdravljenju nevrodegenerativnih bolezni kot sta Alzheimerjeva in Parkinsonova bolezen. Butirilholin esteraza (BChE) je encim, ki razgrajuje acetilholin in je pomemben nevrotransmiter v centralnem in perifernem živčnem sistemu. Prisotna je v različnih tkivih, vključno z jetri, možgani in krvno plazmo in čeprav njena fiziološka funkcija ni tako podrobno raziskana kot je proučena funkcija sorodne acetilholin esteraze (AChE), pridobiva BChE vse več pozornosti zaradi svoje vloge pri patologiji Alzheimerjevi bolezni. Raziskave namreč kažejo, da zaviranje BChE izboljša holinergični prenos in s tem kognitivne funkcije pri bolnikih s to boleznijo, kar odpira možnosti za razvoj novih terapij. V literaturi je opisanih veliko zaviralcev BChE, himerni razgrajevalci, ki bi selektivno razgradili BChE, pa še niso znani. V sklopu naloge smo sintetizirali himerne razgrajevalce BChE, ki imajo v svoji strukturi ligand za BChE povezan z ligandom za ligazo E3 von Hippl-Lindau preko etilenglikolnih ter alkilnih distančnikov. Kot osnovni ligand za BChE smo uporabili cikloheptilindolni zaviralec, ki v nanomolarnem območju zavira BChE, preko centralnega amina pa omogoča pripetje distančnika, ki je ob vezavi v aktivno mesto BChE usmerjen izven vezavnega mesta. Sinteza je zaobjemala pripravo ustrezno zaščitenega distančnika, N-alkiliranje sekundarnega amino z distančnikom, odščito estra ter v zadnji stopnji še tvorbo amida z uporabo sklopitvenega reagenta. Za skupno sedem sintetiziranih heterobifunkcionalnih ligandov smo najprej določili zaviralno aktivnost na rekombinantnih človeških AChE in hBChE – spojina 31 z oktilnim distančnikom je najmočnejši zaviralec BChE, saj smo izmerili najnižjo vrednost IC50 – 0,005345 ± 0,00040 µM. Rezultati so pokazali tudi, da derivati z daljšo lipofilno alkilno verigo močneje zavirajo BChE kot krajši analogi oziroma analogi z etilenglikolnim distančnikom, kar lahko povežemo z relativno lipofilno strukturo aktivnega mesta BChE. V zadnji stopnji smo izvedli še vrednotenje učinkovitosti razgradnje BChE na nevroblastomski celični liniji SH-SY5Y. Raven BChE v celicah SH-SY5Y je pri 1 µM koncentraciji in časovni točki 24 h najbolj učinkovito znižal heksilamid 29, manj učinkovito pa so ravni izražanja BChE znižali tudi nekateri drugi analogi. Heterobifunkcionalni ligandi pripravljeni v okviru te naloge, predvsem pa derivat 29, predstavljajo dobro izhodišče za nadaljnje študije in razvoj in vivo učinkovitih razgrajevalcev BChE.

Keywords:himerni razgrajevalci, butirilholin esteraza, nevrodegenerativne bolezni, distančnik
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162151 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Synthesis and biological evaluation of selective heterobifunctional butyrylcholinesterase degraders
The technology of heterobifunctional degraders – PROTACs, also nammed chimeric degraders, represents an advanced approach to targeted protein degradation, which utilizes the ubiquitin-proteasome system for the selective removal of pathological proteins. This approach enables selective targeted degradation of proteins, which could be useful in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Butyrylcholineesterase (BChE) is an enzyme hydrolyzing acetylcholine, an important neurotransmitter in the central and peripheral nervous system. It is present in various tissues, including liver, brain and blood plasma, and although its physiological function has not been studied in as much detail as that of the related acetylcholinesterase (AChE), BChE is gaining attention for its role in the pathology of Alzheimer's disease. Indeed, research shows that inhibition of BChE improves cholinergic transmission and cognitive functions in patients with this disease, which opens up possibilities for the development of novel therapies. Several BChE inhibitors are described in the literature, however, chimeric degraders that selectively degrade BChE are yet unknown. In the course of the thesis, we synthesized BChE degraders, which contain a ligand for BChE connected to E3 ligase von Hippl-Lindau ligand via ethylene glycol and alkyl linkers. A cycloheptylindole-based, nanomolar BChE inhibitor was used as the BChE recognition motif, which enables the attachment of the linker via the central amine. When bound to BChE active site, this linker is pointing outside the active site cavity. The synthesis included the preparation of protected linker, N-alkylation of the secondary amine vithe previously prepared linker, deprotection of the ester and, in the last step, the formation of the amide bond using a coupling reagent. For a total of seven synthesized heterobifunctional ligands, we first determined their inhibitory potencies using recombinant human AChE and hBChE. Compound 31 with an octyl linker is the most potent BChE inhibitor, with lowest IC50 value of 0.005345 ± 0.00040 µM. The results also showed that derivatives with a longer lipophilic alkyl chain inhibit BChE more potently than shorter analogues or analogues with an ethylene glycol linker. This observation can be attributed to the relatively lipophilic character of the BChE active site. In the final step, we also evaluated the effectiveness of BChE degradation using SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cell line. The levels of BChE in the cell line was most effectively reduced by hexylamide 29 at a concentration of 1 µM and following 24 h exposure, while some additional analogues also reduced BChE levels, albeit to a lesser extent. Heterobifunctional ligands prepared within this thesis, in particular derivative 29, represent a good starting point for further studies and development of in vivo active BChE degraders.

Keywords:chimeric degraders, butyrylcholinesterase, neurodegenerative diseases, linker

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