
Težavnost dela in obremenitev z ropotom pri vzdrževanju gozdnih cest
ID Herauer, Nejc (Author), ID Poje, Anton (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomska naloga obravnava težavnost dela ter obremenitev z ropotom pri vzdrževanju gozdnih cest, kjer se je rezultate primerjalo z dopustnimi mejami, določenimi v evropski in slovenski zakonodaji. Meritve so se izvajale na v GGO Ljubljana, natančneje v revirju Borovnica. Delovni čas smo razdelili na 5 različnih podfaz, kjer smo vsako podfazo še dodatno razčlenili na operacije. Rezultati so pokazali, da je je relativni delovni pulz med vzdrževanjem celotnega odseka ceste znašal 25,9 %, kar je pod dopustnimi vrednostmi (40%). V neproduktivnem času je bil relativni pulz med delom z 33,6% za 8% višji kot v produktivnem času. Težavnost dela je bila največja med podfazo čiščenje ceste po obžagovanju, kjer je bil relativni delovni pulz enak 56,8%. Obremenitev z ropotom v delovnem času (LAeq) je znašala 78,9 dB(A) in ne presega spodnje opozorilne meje dnevne izpostavljenosti po evropski direktivi. Obremenitev z ropotom v neproduktivnem času je bila z 81,9 dB(A) za 3,2 dB(A) višja kot v produktivnim času. Najvišja obremenitev z ropotom z 88,4 dB(A) je bila izmerjena pri podfazi valjanje. Za varovanje zdravja in preprečitev poklicnih bolezni je pri podfazi odstranjevanje vej po obžagovanju potrebno veje razžagati na manjše kose ali jih strojno odstraniti. Pri podfazi valjanja pa mora strojnik za zmanjšanje obremenitve z ropotom uporabljati osebno varovalno opremo (glušnike).

Keywords:ergonomija, vzdrževanje gozdnih cest, obremenitev z ropotom, težavnost dela
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[N. Herauer]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162140 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:208153603 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2024
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Title:Psychophysical work and load exposure to noise during forest roads maintenence
The research deals with the psychophysical load of the work and exposure to noise during the maintennce of forest roads, where the results were compared with the permissible limits specified in European and Slovenian legislation. The measurements were carried out in the FMU Ljubljana, more precisely in the Borovnica district. We divided the working time into 5 different sub-phases, where each sub-phase was further divided into operations. The results show us that the heart rate reserve during the maintenance of the entire road section amounted to 25.9%, which is below the permissible values(40%). In the non-productive time, heart rate reserve during work was 33.6%, 8% higher than in the productive time. The psychophysical load was the highest during the road cleaning after trimming, where the heart rate reserve was equal to 56.8%. The exposure to noise during working hours (LAeq) was 78.9 dB(A) and does not exceed the lower exposure action value of the European directive. At 81.9 dB(A), the expousure to noise in non-productive time was 3.2 dB(A) higher than in productive time. The highest noise load with 88.5 dB(A) was measured during the productive time of the rolling subphase In order to protect health and prevent occupational diseases, in the sub-phase of removing branches after trimming, it is necessary to cut them into smaller pieces or to remove them mechanically. During the road rolling sub-phase, the operator of the roller must use personal protective equipment (mufflers) to reduce the noise load.

Keywords:ergonomics, forest roads, exposure to noise, psychophysical load

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