
Akcijski vstop v podzemne tire Kopenhagna
ID Zajc, Anže (Author), ID Jenko, Radovan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Stepančič, Damijan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Cilj projekta je ozreti se v žrelo manij, nezakonite in nevarne grafitarske kulture, življenje grafitarjev, njihova razmišljanja, preučiti pristope barvanja javnega transporta od vlakov do danskega metroja. Knjiga zapolnjuje teoretično vrzel na področju grafitarske terminologije, in sicer od razvrstitve grafitov in grafitarjev, kratke zgodovine grafitov ter razvoja le-teh ter osvetlitev slovenske scene. Kriminalna vsebina knjige je podprta s stripovsko zgodbo, ki prikazuje proces načrtovanja in izvajanja kaznivega barvanja. Temo predstavljam na surov, divjaški, neokrnjen način, da ustvarim alternativno knjigo, ki nosi košček grafitarskega prizorišča na Danskem. Pridobivanje informacij o tako specifičnih prizorih ni bilo najbolj preprosto, vključil sem mlajše in starejše grafitarje za celovito razumevanje kulture ter zakonska določila. Material za oblikovanje sem zbiral in obogatil z namenom predstavitve širši javnosti in osvetljevanja podzemnega sveta grafitov. Grafitarski svet je skrivnosten, neznan in pogosto ga javnost pojmuje kot zavržno dejanje. S knjigo želim bralce preizprašati, kaj so grafiti in ali so ustvarjalci grafitov, ki barvajo nad zakonom ali vse skupaj povzroča le materialno škodo ali kaj več? Vse to pomaga, da si bralci sami zapolnijo semiotično razumevanje fenomena pojma grafita.

Keywords:Vizualne komunikacije Grafično oblikovanje Grafiti Razpršilo Metro Geto Komercializacija Kazen Nevarnost Magistrska naloga
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162132 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2024
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Title:Action entry into Copenhagen underground tracks
The aim of the project is to gaze into the depths of the illegal and dangerous manias of graffiti culture, the lives of graffiti artists, and their thoughts, and examine their approaches to painting public transport from trains to the Danish metro. The book fills a theoretical gap in the field of graffiti terminology, from the classification of graffiti and graffiti artists to a brief history of graffiti and its development to the illumination of the Slovenian scene. The book's criminal content is supported by a comic book story that shows the process of planning and executing illegal painting. I'm presenting the subject in a raw, savage, and pristine way to create an alternative book that carries a slice of the graffiti scene in Denmark. Obtaining information about such specific scenes was not the easiest thing to do. I included younger and older graffiti artists for a comprehensive understanding of the culture and legal provisions. I collected and enriched the design material with the aim of presenting it to the general public and illuminating the underground world of graffiti. The graffiti world is mysterious, unknown, and often perceived by the public as a despicable act. With this book, I want to question readers about what graffiti is and whether they are graffiti creators who paint above the law, or do they all just cause material damage or something more? All this helps readers fill in the semiotic understanding of the phenomenon of the concept of graffiti for themselves.

Keywords:Visual communications Graphic design Graffiti Spray can Metro Ghetto Commercialization Punishment Danger MA thesis

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