
Freske Mojstra Bolfganga v romarski cerkvi Marijinega oznanjenja v Crngrobu. Rekonstrukcija oltarnega prostora severne ladje iz leta 1453
ID Kos, Anja (Author), ID Cerkovnik, Gašper (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Mojster Bolfgang danes velja za enega najpomembnejših slikarjev 15. stoletja v prostoru današnje Slovenije. Bil je eden prvih, ki je svoj slog obogatil z uporabo grafik in je že zelo zgodaj začel uporabljati grafike Mojstra E. S. Imel je širok krog učencev in naslednikov, ki jim lahko sledimo glede na slogovne primerjave in uporabo šablon za brokatne vzorce. Bolfgang pa v slovenski umetnostni zgodovini v začetku ni imel take veljave – med odkrivanjem fresk v Crngrobu pod vodstvom Franceta Steleta so bile zato tri njegove freske iz severne ladje snete za namen raziskovanja spodnjih plasti poslikav. Nahajališče teh fragmentov, od katerih je bila uspešno sneta samo sv. Ana Samotretja, Poklon kraljev in sv. Martin pa sta bila v fragmentih, dolgo ni bilo znano. Zdaj se ve, da so fragmenti Poklona kraljev na Filozofski fakulteti, sv. Ana Samotretja v Narodni galeriji in fragment z glavo sv. Martina v Restavratorskem centru. Po ikonografiji fresk na vzhodni steni severne ladje lahko sklepamo na obliko tega dela stavbe v času, ko ga je poslikal Mojster Bolfgang.

Keywords:Mojster Bolfgang, Crngrob, freske, ikonografija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162128 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:208209923 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2024
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Title:Frescoes by Master Bolfgangus in the Pilgrimage Church of the Annunciation in Crngrob. Reconstruction of the Altar Space of the North Aisle from the Year 1453
Today, Master Bolfgangus is considered to be one of the most important painters of the 15th century in the area of present-day Slovenia. He was one of the first to enrich his style with the use of prints and very early began to use the graphics of Master E. S. He had a wide circle of disciples and successors, which can be followed in by stylistic comparisons and the use of templates for brocade patterns. In the beginning, however, Bolfgang did not have such important place in Slovenian art history – during the discovery of frescoes in Crngrob under the guidance of France Stele, three of his frescoes from the north nave were removed for the purpose of exploring the lower layers. The location of these fragments, of which only St. Anna Self–Third was removed succesfully, while Adoration of the Kings and St. Martin were in fragments, had been for a long time unknown. It is now known that fragments of the Adoration of the Kings at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana, St. Anna Self–Third in the National Gallery of Slovenia and fragment with the head of St. Martin at the national Restoration Centre. From the iconography of the frescoes on the east wall of the north nave, we can deduce the shape of this part of the building at the time when it was painted by Master Bolfgang.

Keywords:Master Bolfgangus, Crngrob, frescoes, iconography

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