
Dramatika absurda Samuela Becketta
ID Bračun, Alja (Author), ID Kos, Matevž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo se osredotoča na dramatiko Samuela Becketta, enega najpomembnejših predstavnikov dramatike absurda. Delo ponuja pregled izvora in definicije izraza ter se posveti njenim nasprotjem tako s tradicionalno kot tudi z eksistencialistično dramo. Nato se osredotoči na Beckettove povezave z drugimi umetniki in njegov stilistični odmik od Jamesa Joycea, pri čemer poudarja Beckettovo uporabo francoščine, kot tujega jezika, za razvoj edinstvenega literarnega sloga. Delo se osredotoča na poglobljeno analizo dveh Beckettovih najbolj znanih dramskih del, Čakajoč Godota in Konec igre. Skozi podrobno analizo delo interpretira tematske in slogovne elemente v obeh dramah, pri čemer izpostavlja Beckettovo rabo jezika, premorov, ponavljanj ter prikazovanje človeškega obstoja kot nesmiselnega in cikličnega. Delo zaključi z utemeljitvijo Beckettovega pomena v literarnem kanonu in trajnim vplivom njegovih inovacij v dramskem pisanju ter gledališču.

Keywords:Samuel Beckett, drama absurda, interpretacija, nesmiselnost, cikličnost, analiza stila
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162117 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:208790275 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The Absurd Drama of Samuel Beckett
This thesis focuses on the plays of Samuel Beckett, one of the most important representatives of absurdist drama. The thesis suggests an overview of the origin and definition of this specific term and looks at its contrasts with both traditional and existentialist drama. Then it also focuses on Beckett’s connections with other artists and his stylistic departure from James Joyce, highlighting Beckett’s use of French as a foreign language to develop a unique literary style. The thesis concentrates on an in-depth analysis of two of Beckett’s most known plays, Waiting for Godot and Endgame. Through a detailed analysis, the thesis interprets the thematic and stylistic elements in both plays, emphasising Beckett’s use of language, pauses, repetitions and the depiction of human existence as meaningless and cyclical. The thesis concludes by explaining Beckett’s importance in the literary canon and the lasting impact of his innovations in playwright and theatre.

Keywords:Samuel Beckett, theatre of the absurd, interpretation, absurdity, cyclicality, style analysis

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