
Ocena potresne odpornosti obstoječe kamnite zidane stavbe : diplomska naloga
ID Stare, Luka (Author), ID Babič, Anže (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena ocena potresne odpornosti obstoječe dvoetažne kamnite zidane stavbe. Ocena temelji na trenutno veljavni različici standarda Evrokod 8-3, deloma pa tudi na novi različici istega standarda. Obravnavana stavba stoji v bližini mesta Ilirska Bistrica in je izpostavljena zmerni do visoki potresni nevarnosti. Stavba je stara približno 200 let in je sestavljena iz apnenčastega kamna, ki je avtohton na kraškem terenu. Ocena vsebuje preliminarno linearno elastično analizo in poenostavljeno nelinearno analizo in je izvedena za tri mejna stanja: stanje omejitve poškodb, stanje velikih poškodb in stanje blizu porušitve. Preliminarna linearna analiza pokaže, da se razmerje med prečno silo in nosilnostjo zidu po konstrukciji močno razlikuje, zaradi česar dokazovanje potresne odpornosti ne sme temeljiti na rezultatih tovrstne analize, temveč na uporabi nelinearne analize. Nelinearna analiza je izvedena skladno z metodo N2. Zaradi majhne mase v nadstropju je za pomik v potisni krivulji privzet pomik na vrhu pritličja. V vzdolžni smeri stavbe, kjer je delež zidov visok, je zadoščeno kontroli mejnih stanj velikih poškodb in blizu porušitve, ne pa tudi mejnemu stanju omejitve poškodb, medtem so ko v prečni smeri stavbe, kjer je delež zidov manjši, kapacitete za vsa tri mejna stanja nižje od zahtev. Ločeno je izvedena tudi kontrola nosilnosti nadstropja, pri čemer sta upoštevani predpostavljeni porazdelitvi sil po višini, ki izhajata iz trikotne in enakomerne porazdelitve pomikov po višini. Zaradi odsotnosti toge diafragme so potresne sile določene za skupine zidov sorazmerno z njihovimi masami. Analiza nosilnosti nadstropja pokaže, da ta etaža ni kritični del konstrukcije.

Keywords:diplomske naloge, gradbeništvo, kamnita stavba, zidana stavba, linearna analiza, potisna analiza, nelinearna analiza, Evrokod 8, potresno inženirstvo, SAP2000, metoda N2
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Stare]
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (X, 38 str., 2 str. pril.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162112 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:208202755 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Assessment of earthquake resistance of an existing stone masonry building : graduation thesis
The thesis presents an assessment of the seismic resistance of an existing two-story stone masonry building. The assessment is based on the currently valid version of the Eurocode 8-3 standard and partially on the new version of the same standard. The analyzed building is located near the town of Ilirska Bistrica and is exposed to moderate to high seismic hazard. The building is approximately 200 years old and is constructed from limestone native to the Karst terrain. The assessment includes a preliminary linear elastic analysis and a simplified nonlinear analysis and is performed for three limit states: the damage limitation state, the significant damage state, and the near-collapse state. The preliminary linear analysis shows that the ratio between walls’ shear force and strength varies significantly across the structure, which means that proving seismic resistance should not be based on the results of such analysis but rather on the use of nonlinear analysis. The nonlinear analysis is performed in accordance with the N2 method. Due to the low mass on the upper floor, the displacement in the pushover curve is equal to the displacement at the top of the ground floor. In the longitudinal direction of the building, where the wall ratio is high, the requirements are fulfilled for the significant damage and near-collapse limit states, but not for the damage limitation state. In the transverse direction of the building, where the wall ratio is lower, the capacities for all three limit states are below the demands. A separate verification of the ground floor strength is also performed, considering the assumed force distributions along the building elevation based on triangular and uniform displacement distributions. Due to the absence of a rigid diaphragm, seismic forces are determined for wall groups proportional to their masses. The analysis of the ground floor strength shows that this floor is not the critical part of the structure.

Keywords:graduation thesis, civil engineering, stone building, masonry building, linear analysis, pushover analysis, nonlinear analysis, Eurocode 8, earthquake engineering, N2 method

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