
Postopek restavriranja Rex stolov in mize
ID Kavčič, Tobija (Author), ID Kitek Kuzman, Manja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo se osredotoča na restavriranje dveh originalnih stolov Rex (model 5654) in zložljive klubske mizice (model 7011), ki jih je zasnoval slovenski industrijski oblikovalec prof. Niko Kralj. Stol Rex, znan po svoji modularni zasnovi, ergonomiji in trajnosti, pogosto utrpi poškodbe, kot so razslojevanje perforirane vezane plošče in zlomi letvic, predvsem zaradi neustrezne hrambe, uporabe ter starosti. Cilj restavratorskega posega je bilo ohraniti avtentičnost pohištva z minimalnimi in neinvazivnimi posegi. V diplomski nalogi smo ocenili stanje pohištva, sanirali poškodovane dele, površinsko obdelali pohištvo in ga barvno poenotili. Rezultati kažejo, da sta bila stola Rex in mizica uspešno restavrirani, ohranili so svojo avtentičnost in so primerni za nadaljnjo uporabo. S tem projektom smo prispevali k ohranjanju slovenske kulturne dediščine in dokumentiranju razvoja industrijskega oblikovanja. Konservatorsko-restavratorski poseg smo opravili v sodelovanju s podjetjem Restavratorstvo Kavčič d. o. o., ki ima dolgoletne izkušnje na področju restavriranja lesenih izdelkov.

Keywords:Niko Kralj, stol Rex, restavriranje, konserviranje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[T. Kavčič]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162096 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:209982723 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2024
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Title:Restoration of Rex chairs with coffe table
The diploma project focuses on the restoration of two original Rex chairs (model 5654) and a folding coffee table (model 7011), designed by the Slovenian industrial designer Prof. Niko Kralj. Known for its modular design, ergonomics and sustainability, the Rex chair often suffers damage such as the delamination of perforated plywood and broken slats, mainly due to improper storage, use and age. The aim of the restoration work was to preserve the authenticity of the furniture with minimal and non-invasive interventions. In the diploma project, we assessed the condition of the furniture, repaired the damaged parts, treated the surface of the furniture and unified its color. The results show that the Rex chairs and coffee table have been successfully restored, have preserved their authenticity and are suitable for further use. With this project, we contributed to the preservation of Slovenian cultural heritage and documenting the development of industrial design. The conservation-restoration intervention was carried out in cooperation with the company Restavratorstvo Kavčič d. o. o., which has many years of experience in the field of restoration of wooden products.

Keywords:Niko Kralj, chair Rex, restoration, conservation

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