
Ocena stanja križno lepljenih plošč po sedmih letih izpostavitve v tretjem razredu uporabe.
ID Zabukošek Počivalšek, Žiga (Author), ID Humar, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen te diplomske naloge je bil oceniti in ugotoviti stanje križno lepljenih plošč in mozničene plošče po sedmih letih izpostavitve pogojem, ki ustrezajo tretjemu razredu izpostavitve, kot ga definira SIST EN 335. Križno lepljeni plošči sta bili pred začetkom izpostavitve zaščiteni, ena s pripravkom iz voska druga s Silvanolinom. Med izpostavitvijo smo merili vlažnost v ploščah z namenom, da povežemo razkroj z vlažnostjo nad 25 %, ki je potrebna za razkroj lesa. Po koncu izpostavitve smo iz plošč izžagali vzorce za vizualno, mikroskopsko in hiperspektralno analizo ter vzorce za testiranje tlačne, in strižne trdnosti ter vsebnosti bakra v zunanjih slojih. Meritve vlažnosti so pokazale, da bi se razkroj lahko pojavil, kar smo tudi potrdili z vizualno analizo. Razkroj je bil minimalen, največ ga je bilo spodnjem in zgornjem delu plošč in na mestu kjer je bila pritrjena merilna omarica in je za omarico zatekala voda. Na srednjem delu plošč razkroja ni bilo.

Keywords:križno lepljen les, križno mozničen les, vlažnost, razkroj, vosek, Silvanolin
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[Ž. Zabukošek Počivalšek]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162094 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:209992451 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Condition assessment of cros-laminated boards after seven years of exposure in use clas 3.
The purpose of the thesis was to assess and determine the condition of cross-laminated timber panels and dowel-laminated panels after seven years of exposure to conditions corresponding to the third exposure class, as defined by SIST EN 335. Before the exposure, one of the cross-laminated panels was treated with a wax preparation, while the other was treated with Silvanolin. During the exposure period, moisture levels in the panels were measured to correlate decay with moisture levels above 25%, which is necessary for wood decay.. After the exposure, samples were cut from the panels for visual, microscopic, and hyperspectral analysis, as well as for testing compression and shear strength, and for determining copper content in the outer layers. The moisture measurements indicated that decay could occur, which was confirmed through visual analysis. The decay was minimal, mostly occurring in the lower and upper parts of the panels and at the spot where the measuring box was attached, allowing water to seep behind it. No decay was found in the middle part of the panels.

Keywords:cross laminated timber, dowel laminated timber, moisture, decay, wax, Silvanolin

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