
Razvoj biocidnega proizvoda na osnovi borovih učinkovin za represivno zaščito lesnih kompozitov
ID Šahman, Amar (Author), ID Humar, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kržišnik, Davor (Comentor)

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Glive povzročajo kemijske in fizikalne spremembe, zaradi katerih les izgublja svoje lastnosti. Glive razgradijo celične stene in s tem poslabšajo mehanske lastnosti lesa, spremenijo obliko ter poslabšajo dimenzijsko stabilnost. Poleg celuloze glive metabolizirajo tudi lignin, hemiceluloze in druge komponente lesa. Učinkovitost razkroja lesa je predvsem odvisna od vrste gliv in lesa. Glive pogosto ogrožajo tudi v bivanjskem okolju, te s tem poslabšajo varnost in kakovost bivanja. Sodobna lesena gradnja temelji na lesnih kompozitih. V stavbah pride do zamakanja in razvoja trohnobe. Trohnoba oslabi mehanske lastnosti lesa. Včasih vgrajenega lesa ni mogoče zamenjati, zato želimo preveriti idejo, da širjenje gliv preprečimo z uporabo biocidov na osnovi bora, ki dobro difundira po preseku lesa. Metode vključujejo klimatiziranje v klimi nad nasičeno vodno raztopino NaCl, destilirano vodo in potapljanje lesa ter vbrizgavanje kombinacije borovih soli z glicerolom za izboljšano zaščito. Rezultati so pokazali, da borove spojine zagotavljajo dolgotrajno zaščito z minimalnim vplivom na okolje, kar potrjuje njihovo primernost za široko uporabo v različnih pogojih. Zato je pomembno, da se v leseni gradnji uporabljajo učinkovite metode zaščite lesa, ki preprečujejo širjenje gliv in s tem ohranjajo mehanske lastnosti lesa ter podaljšujejo njegovo življenjsko dobo.

Keywords:glive, borove spojine, represivna zaščita, biocid
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[A. Šahman]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162089 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:210003715 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Development of biocidal product based on pine active ingredients for repressive protection of wood composites
Fungi cause chemical and physical changes that cause wood to lose its properties. They decompose the cell walls, reduce the strength of the wood, change its shape and impair the dimensional stability of the cells. In addition to cellulose, fungi also feed on lignin, hemicellulose, and other substances. The efficiency of wood decomposition largely depends on the type of fungus and wood. Fungi often pose a threat to the living environment, affecting safety and quality of life. Modern timber construction is based on wood composites, and such buildings are exposed to water penetration and the development of wood decay. Decay weakens the mechanical properties of the wood, and sometimes it is not possible to replace the installed wood. Therefore, we want to explore the idea of preventing the spread of fungi by using boron-based biocides that diffuse well through the wood cross-section. The methods include conditioning the wood in a climate above a saturated aqueous solution of NaCl, the use of distilled water and immersing the wood, and injecting a combination of boron salts with glycerol for enhanced protection. The results showed that boron compounds provide long-term protection with minimal impact on the environment, confirming their suitability for wide application under different conditions. It is therefore important to use effective wood protection methods in timber construction that prevent the spread of fungi and thus maintain the mechanical properties of the wood and extend its service life.

Keywords:fungi, boron compounds, repressive protection, biocide

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