
Vpliv gibalnih sposobnosti košarkaric na njihovo igralno uspešnost in učinkovitost v 1. slovenski košarkarski ligi
ID Lisec, Marko (Author), ID Erčulj, Frane (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu smo preučevali gibalne sposobnosti košarkaric glede na njihovo igralno vlogo (branilke, krila, centri) in ugotavljali, ali med njimi obstajajo statistično značilne razlike. Namen je bil tudi ugotoviti, ali in v kakšni meri so gibalne sposobnosti povezane z igralno uspešnostjo in učinkovitostjo. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 27 košarkaric iz treh ekip, ki so v sezoni 2023/24 tekmovale v 1. slovenski košarkarski ligi. Gibalne sposobnosti smo ocenili s pomočjo testne baterije, sestavljene iz testov: sonožni skok v višino, sprint na 20 metrov, enonožni skok v stran z levo in desno nogo, kamikaza test, aerobni test 3 minute in T-test. Na podlagi deskriptivne statistike smo ugotovili, da so branilke v povprečju imele najboljše rezultate pri skoku v višino in pri enonožnih skokih vstran z levo in desno nogo, najhitrejše čase pri sprintu na 20 metrov, T-testu in pri kamikaza testu. Pri aerobnem testu 3 minute so pretekle največ dolžin košarkarskega igrišča. Krila so v povprečju pri vseh testih dosegla slabše rezultate od branilk in boljše od centrov. Centri so v povprečju dosegli najslabše rezultate v vseh testih. Rezultati analize variance so pokazali statistično značilne razlike med skupinami pri T-testu (p = 0,047). Pri drugih testih nismo zaznali statistično značilnih razlik, čeprav so nekateri rezultati nakazovali trend proti pomembnosti. Za nadaljnje analize smo uporabili Tukeyjev HSD-test. Med posameznimi skupinami igralk se pokažejo statistično značilne razlike med branilkami in centri pri T-testu (p = 0,041). Pri drugih testih ni bilo ugotovljenih statistično značilnih razlik med skupinami. Rezultati Spearmanovega testa so pokazali zmerne povezave med nekaterimi gibalnimi sposobnostmi in uspešnostjo igralk. Ugotovili smo, da imajo rezultati testa sprint na 20 metrov najvišjo korelacijo z minutažo (r = 0,559) in tudi najvišjo korelacijo s statističnim indeksom (r = 0,401). Rezultati raziskave so pomembni za trenersko prakso, saj omogočajo boljše razumevanje pomena gibalnih sposobnosti košarkaric glede na njihovo igralno vlogo, kar lahko prispeva k bolj ciljno usmerjenemu treningu in izboljšanju igralne uspešnosti.

Keywords:košarka, gibalne sposobnosti, igralna uspešnost in učinkovitost, igralna vloga.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162086 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2024
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In this master's thesis, we studied the motor skills of female basketball players based on their playing positions (guards, forwards, centers) and researched whether there are statistically significant differences between these groups. The purpose was also to determine if and how much motor skills affect playing performance. The study involved 27 female basketball players from three teams competing in the 1st Slovenian Basketball League in the 2023/24 season. Motor skills were assessed using a battery of tests consisting of the following: vertical jump, 20-meter sprint, lateral jump with left and right foot, kamikaze test, aerobic test 3 minutes, and T-test. Based on descriptive statistics, we found that guards had the best results in the vertical jump and lateral jumps. The fastest times in the 20-meter sprint, T-test and kamikaze test. When performin aerobic test 3 minutes, they ran the most lenghts of basketball court. Forwards on average performed worse than guards but better than centers. Centers achieved the worst results in all tests. Analysis of variance test results showed statistically significant differences between groups in the T-test (p = 0.047). In other tests, no statistically significant differences were detected, although some results indicated a trend towards significance. For further analysis, we used Tukey's HSD test, which showed that there were statistically significant differences between guards and centers in the T-test (p = 0.041). No statistically significant differences between groups were found in other tests. Spearman's test results showed moderate correlations between some motor skills and player performance. We found that the results of the 20-meter sprint test have the highest correlation with playing time (r = 0.559) and also the highest correlation with the statistical index (r = 0.401). The results of the study are important for coaching practice as they provide a better understanding of importance of the motor skills of female basketball players based on their playing role, which can contribute to more targeted training and improved playing performance.

Keywords:basketball, motor skills, performance and efficiency, playing positions

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