
Primerjava švicarskega in baselskega načina igranja malega bobna : magistrska naloga
ID Pinter, Martin (Author), ID Vidmar, Petra (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrska naloga se osredotoča na razlike ter podobnosti med švicarskim in baselskim bobnanjem. Švica ima zelo zanimivo in bogato tolkalno tradicijo, ki je postavila temelje igranja tolkal ter tolkalnega notnega zapisa. V našem prostoru in strokovni literaturi se večkrat meša ali enači dve poglavitni veji švicarskega bobnanja. Magistrska naloga si prizadeva jasno opisati in pokazati razlike ter podobnosti teh dveh vej bobnanja. Poseben poudarek je namenjen tolkalcu dr. Fritzu Robertu Bergerju in njegovim delom, ki je inovator v baselskem stilu igranja, baselskem karnevalu Bassler Fasnacht ter knjigi Tambour Ordonnanz, ki predstavlja osnovo švicarskega igranja na boben. V nalogi opišem razvoj in zgodovino Baselskega festivala in vlogo bobnanja v sklopu festivala. Naloga se prav tako posveti tehniki igranja na inštrument, njegov razvoj in tehnične specifikacije. V nalogi opišem razvoj in zgodovino obeh vej bobnanja, različne notne zapise specifične za oba stila bobnanja, literaturo, ki uči pravilno stilsko igranje obeh stilov bobnanja ter kompozicije in kompozicijske lastnosti. Opišem zgodovino vojaškega bobnanja in vlogo bobna v vojaški službi od njegovih začetkov kot orodje za prenašanje ukazov do današnje ceremonialne vloge.

Keywords:tolkala, Švica, rudimenti, Tambur Ordonnanz, baselsko bobnanje, Bassler Fasnach, vojaško bobnanje, ordinantno bobnanje, magistrske naloge
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:AG - Academy of Music
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:M. Pinter
Number of pages:50 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162082 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:208068611 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison between Swiss and Basel drumming
The master's thesis focuses on the differences and similarities between Swiss and Basel drumming. Switzerland has a very interesting and rich percussion tradition, which has laid the foundations for playing percussion instruments and percussion notation. In our region and professional literature, two main branches of Swiss drumming are often mixed or equated. The master's thesis aims to clearly describe and show the differences and similarities between these two branches of drumming. Special emphasis is placed on percussionist Dr. Fritz Robert Berger and his works, who is an innovator in the Basel style of playing, the Basel Carnival Bassler Fasnacht, and the book "Tambour Ordonnanz," which represents the foundation of Swiss drumming. The thesis describes the development and history of the Basel festival and the role of drumming within the festival. The thesis also addresses the technique of playing the instrument, its development, and technical specifications. It describes the development and history of both branches of drumming, the different notations specific to both styles of drumming, the literature that teaches the correct stylistic playing of both styles of drumming, as well as compositions and compositional characteristics. The history of military drumming and the role of the drum in military service from its beginnings as a tool for conveying commands to its present ceremonial role is also described.

Keywords:percussion, Switzerland, rudiments, Tambour Ordonnanz, Basel drumming, Bassler Fasnacht, military drumming, ordnance drumming, master's theses

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