
SODOBNA PALESTRA - Idejna zasnova revitalizacije ožjega območja nekdanje kamniške Smodnišnice v športno-družabno središče
ID Jagodič, Eva (Author), ID Medvešek, Gašper (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Vodopivec, Aleš (Comentor)

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Urbani športi so kljub vse večji priljubljenosti med različnimi generacijami še vedno prepogosto prostorsko zapostavljeni. S problematiko pomankanja primernih prostor za učenje in trening teh športov, se pogosto ukvarjajo samoiniciativni posamezniki, ki se soočajo s predsodki o subkulturi, ki jo živijo. Urbani športi slovijo po svoji prilagodljivosti, kar se odraža tudi v prostorih za njihovo izvajanje. Omenjene intervencije pa prebivalci mesta pogosto zaznavajo kot neprimerne posege v prostor. S teoretskimi izhodišči v prvem delu naloge opredelim program urbanih športov ter njihov pomen in razvoj v slovenskem prostoru. V nadaljevanju se sprašujem o odnosu mesta do kulture urbanih športov ter pomenu in izražanju kulture in subkulture, tako v družbi kot tudi v prostoru. V drugem delu teoretskih izhodišč opredelim razloge za izbor lokacije in izbrano lokacijo tudi ovrednotim Pogosto spregledano lepoto omenjenega območja poudarim s sprehodom skozi območje ter s pomočjo fotografij in primerjave z znanimi arhitekturami, ki jih ljudje smatramo za lepe. V analitičnem delu preko analiz predstavim obravnavan prostor in na podlagi vseh ugotovitev razvijem prostorski koncept. Temeljni koncept se naveže na zgoraj omenjeno temo lepega. Primerjalne analize obravnavanega območja in znanih arhitektur pa predstavljajo izhodišče za razvoj koncepta sodobne palestre, katere osnovo predstavlja grška palestra. Projekt izraža dvojnost kulture in subkulture ter poudarja kvalitete obstoječega prostora.

Keywords:revitalizacija, urbani športi, Kreativna četrt Barutana, subkultura, smodnišnica, Kamnik
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162079 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:201323011 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2024
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Title:MODERN PALESTRA - Conceptual design for the revitalisation of a narrow area of a former gunpowder factory into a sports and social centre in Kamnik
Despite their growing popularity among different generations, urban sports are still too often spatially neglected. The problem of the lack of suitable spaces for learning and training in these sports is often tackled by self-initiated individuals who are faced with prejudices about the subculture they live in. Urban sports are renowned for their adaptability, and the spaces in which they can be practised reflect this, which is often perceived by citizens as an inappropriate encroachment on space. Using the theoretical background, in the first part of the thesis I define the urban sports agenda and their importance and development in Slovenian space. In the following part, I question the relationship of the city to the culture of urban sports and the meaning and expression of culture and subculture in society, as well as in space. In the second part of the theoretical background I define the reasons for the choice of the site and evaluate the chosen location. I highlight the often overlooked beauty of the area by walking through the site with the help of photographs and comparing it with well-known architectures that people consider beautiful. In the analytical part, I present the space through analysis and develop a spatial concept based on all the conclusions. The basic concept is related to the theme of the beauty mentioned above. The comparative analyses of the area under consideration and of well-known architectures are the starting point for the development of the concept of a modern palestra, which is based on the Greek palestra. The project expresses the duality of culture and subculture and highlights the qualities of the existing space.

Keywords:revitalisation, urban sports, creative quarter barutana, subculture, gunpowder factory, Kamnik

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