
Izmenjevalnica znanja: Idejna zasnova revitalizacije Andragoškega centra Republike Slovenije v Ljubljani
ID Hostnik, Tamara (Author), ID Gregorski, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V času hitro razvijajočih se tehnologij se družba spreminja in z njo se spreminja tudi izobraževanje. Novi pedagoški procesi skupaj z informacijskimi in komunikacijskimi tehnologijami (IKT) vplivajo na način dela in komuniciranja ter ustvarjajo nove zahteve po raznolikem in prilagodljivem prostoru, ki podpira aktivno učenje. Kakovostno zasnovan prostor namreč velja za tretjega učitelja in pomembno vpliva na spodbujanje in uspešnost učenja. Medsebojna povezanost teh treh dejavnikov na novo opredeljuje učni prostor 21. stoletja ter poudarja pomen socialne interakcije in prostorske povezanosti. Razmislek o teh vrednotah se v magistrski nalogi odraža skozi prenovo in revitalizacijo poslovne stavbe Gradis, v kateri med drugim delujeta Andragoški center Republike Slovenije in Javni zavod Cene Štupar. Andragoški center se sooča s prostorsko stisko in programu neprilagojenimi prostori ter nezmožnostjo organizacije in oblikovanja prostora v skladu s sodobnimi učnimi metodami. V magistrski nalogi se zato ukvarjam s predlogom prenove in revitalizacije obstoječega objekta preko katere želim z dozidavo in minimalnimi posegi v obstoječi objekt narediti prostor bolj povezan in prilagodljiv novim načinom dela. Poleg vsebin za uporabnike želim stavbo odpreti tudi navzven in na ta način popestriti socialno in kulturno-družbeno noto BTC-ja. Novo predlagano izobraževalno središče s svojo oblikovno in programsko zasnovo poenoti vsebine za kulturne in izobraževalne namene ter ustvari sodobno učno krajino za delo in druženje. Z novimi javnimi prostori povezuje poslovno območje BTC-ja, kjer se nahaja obstoječi objekt, v odprt, prehoden in družbeno usmerjen javni prostor, ki podpira načela vseživljenjskega učenja.

Keywords:arhitektura, sodobni izobraževalni prostor, učno okolje, prilagodljivost in mobilnost, prenova in revitalizacija, virtualni prostor, informacijska in komunikacijska tehnologija (IKT)
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162074 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:201818115 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The Learning Exchange: Conceptual Design of the Revitalisation of the Slovenian Institute for Adult Education in Ljubljana
In an era of rapidly evolving technologies society is changing and education is changing with it. New education processes, together with information and communication technologies, are influencing the way we work and communicate, creating new demands for a diverse and flexible space that supports active learning. This is because a well-designed space is recognised as a 'third teacher' and has a significant impact on the stimulation and effectiveness of learning. The interconnectedness of these three factors redefines the learning landscape of the 21st century and underlines the importance of social interaction and spatial connectivity. Consideration of these values is reflected in the master’s thesis through the renovation and revitalisation of the Gradis office building, which houses, among others, the Slovenian Institute for Adult Education and the Public Education Centre Cene Štupar. The Slovenian Institute for Adult Education is facing problems of space constraints and inadequate premises for the programme, as well as the inability to organise and design its space in accordance with modern teaching methods. In my master's thesis, I am therefore proposing the renovation and revitalisation of the existing building, through which I want to make the space more cohesive and adaptable to new ways of working by means of an extension and minimal interventions in the existing building. In addition to the facilities for the users, I also want to open the building outwards and, in this way, enrich the social and cultural aspect of the BTC area. Through its design and programming, the newly proposed education centre unifies the cultural and educational content and creates a modern learning landscape for work and socialising. With new public spaces, it connects the BTC business area, where the existing building is located, into an open, fluid and socially oriented public space that supports the principles of lifelong learning.

Keywords:arhitecture, modern educational space, learning environment, flexibility and mobility, renewal and revitalisation, virtual space, information and communication technology (ICT)

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