
Idejna zasnova prenove Hrvaškega olimpijskega centra Bjelolasica na pogorju Bjelolasica na Hrvaškem
ID Gržinčić, Jan (Author), ID Slak, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Turizem in šport sta dve izmed asociacij na Hrvaško. Prav ta dva izraza sta združena v HOC Bjelolasica. Smučišče in center Bjelolasica v Gorskem kotarju sta bila v preteklosti največja in najbolj znana kraja za preživljanje smučarsko obarvanega prostega časa na Hrvaškem; tu so izvajali športne treninge, team buildinge, šolske ekskurzije ipd. Sčasoma je infrastruktura zastarela, investicije so bile minimalne, dohodki so se zmanjšali, kar je povzročilo stečaj in opustitev centra, ki je danes na robu propada. Obstajala je ideja, da bi bilo treba posodobiti tako center kot smučišče, ampak do tega ni prišlo. V občinskem prostorskem načrtu je bila predvidena gradnja nove športne dvorane in bazena, ki pa ni bila uresničena. Pri delu za magistrsko nalogo osem se ukvarjal s prenovo obstoječih objektov, z oblikovanjem novega osrednjega objekta, ki je bil po požaru porušen, ter s projektiranjem nove športne dvorane in bazena. V nalogi so predstavljene tudi ureditve zunanjih površin, igrišč in trgov. V svojem delu sem izpostavil še dve temi; kako takšen center vpliva na mesto, v katerega je postavljen, in kako ga vanj vključiti ter kako organizirati souporabo takšnega centra med športniki in turisti. Glavna ideja je bila na omenjeni lokaciji izpeljati vsebine in načrtovati aktivnosti, obstoječe in nove, ki bodo zagotavljale uporabo centra skozi vse leto, ne glede na letni čas in vremenske razmere.

Keywords:turizem, sport, Gorski kotar, Bjelolasica, letovišče, lesena gradnja, dvorana, bazen
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162066 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2024
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Title:Conceptual design of the renovation of the Croatian Olympic Center Bjelolasica on the Bjelolasica mountain range in Croatia
Tourism and sports are one of the first associations with Croatia. Exactly these two terms are combined in HOC Bjelolasica. In the past, the Bjelolasica ski resort and center in Gorski Kotor were the largest and most famous in Croatia for skiing, sports training, team building, and school excursions... but over time, the infrastructure remained in the past, investments were minimal, incomes decreased, which led to the bankruptcy and abandonment of the center, which is now abandoned and decaying. There was an idea that both the center and the ski resort should be modernized, but this did not happen. A new gymnasium and swimming pool were planned in the municipal spatial plan, but they were not built. In my master’s thesis, I dealt with the renovation of existing buildings, the creation of a new central building that was demolished after a fire, and the design of a new gymnasium and swimming pool. The task also includes arrangements for outdoor areas, playgrounds, and squares. Two more topics were discussed in the master’s thesis; how such a center affects the town where it is placed and how to integrate it into it, and the sharing of such a center between athletes and tourists. The main idea was to provide content and activities at the location, existing and new, which will ensure the use of the center throughout the year, regardless of the season and weather conditions.

Keywords:tourism, sport, Gorski kotar, Bjelolasica, resort, wooden construction, gymnasium, swimming pool

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