
eUprava: dostop storitev javne uprave za državljane v dobi digitalizacije : diplomsko delo
ID Peras, Vanessa (Author), ID Keržič, Damijana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Živimo v dobi digitalizacije, kjer imamo možnost, da z državnimi organi ali organi javne uprave poslujemo digitalno, preko portala eUprava. Storitve javne uprave se lahko tako opravijo od koderkoli in kadarkoli, vendar pa imajo mnogi še vedno določene zadržke, zaradi katerih se raje odločijo za osebno opravljanje storitev. Namen diplomskega dela je analizirati uporabo portala eUprava v praksi, predvsem v luči vpliva covida-19. V raziskovalnem delu smo na podlagi pregleda letnih poročil in opisne statistične analize dobili vpogled v to, v kolikšni meri in za katere namene so državljani Republike Slovenije uporabljali portal eUprava v obdobju od leta 2018 do 2023 ter ali je imela pandemija covida-19 vpliv na to. Z metodo anketiranja smo raziskali, kako različne starostne skupine prebivalcev Mestne občine Koper uporabljajo portal eUprava in kakšno je njihovo zaupanje v elektronsko oddajo vlog. Analiza obiskanosti in uporabe portala eUprava v časovnem obdobju pred, med in po pandemiji covida-19 je pokazala, da se je njegova uporaba in obiskanost v tem času povečala. Pokazalo se je tudi, da je obiskanost portala ostala na visokem nivoju tudi po končani pandemiji. Med prebivalci Mestne občine Koper je bilo z anketno raziskavo ugotovljeno, da v elektronsko oddajo vlog zaupa večina anketirancev starih do 59 let, medtem ko starejši od 60 let vanjo manj zaupajo. Izkazalo se je, da je največ anketirancev v zadnjem letu oddalo vloge na področju Davki, dohodnina.

Keywords:eUprava, digitalizacija, storitve javne uprave, e-vloge, starostne skupine
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[V. Peras]
Number of pages:VIII, 50 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162065 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:208215811 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:eUprava: access to public services for citizens in the age of digitalization
We live in the era of digitization, where we have the opportunity to do business with state bodies or public administration bodies digitally, via the eGovernment portal. Public administration services can thus be performed from anywhere and at any time, but many people still have certain reservations that make them prefer to provide services in person. The purpose of the thesis is to analyze the use of the eGovernment portal in practice, especially in light of the impact of covid-19. In the research work, based on the review of annual reports and descriptive statistical analysis, we gained insight into the extent and for what purposes citizens of the Republic of Slovenia used the eGovernment portal in the period from 2018 to 2023, and whether the covid-19 pandemic had an impact on this . Using the survey method, we investigated how different age groups of residents of the Municipality of Koper use the eGovernment portal and what their trust is in the electronic submission of applications. The analysis of visits and use of the eGovernment portal in the time period before, during and after the covid-19 pandemic showed that its use and visits increased during the covid-19 pandemic. It was also shown that the visitation of the portal remained at a high level even after the end of the pandemic. Among the residents of the Municipality of Koper, a survey found that the majority of respondents under the age of 59 trust electronic submission of applications, while those over 60 trust it less. It turned out that most of the respondents submitted applications in the area of Taxes and income tax in the last year.

Keywords:eUprava, digitalization, public services, e-applications, age groups

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