
Analiza zaupanja prebivalstva v državne vrednostne papirje v primerjavi s sodobnimi finančnimi instrumenti : diplomsko delo
ID Satler, Maja (Author), ID Petkovšek, Veronika (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo se v teoretičnem delu osredotoča na opredelitev ključnih pojmov, ki pripomorejo k razumevanju finančnih naložb ter z njimi povezanimi tveganji. Pojmi, ki so opredeljeni v gradivu, se navezujejo na državne vrednostne papirje in sodobne finančne instrumente, predvsem razjasnitev njihovih definicij, konceptov, regulaciji in stopenj varnosti. Poglobljeno razumevanje tega igra ključno vlogo v procesu sprejemanja odločitev potencialnih vlagateljev ter tudi pri razumevanju stopnje tveganja, ki je vezana na posamezno finančno naložbo. Vlagatelji so bolje informirani za sprejemanje premišljenih in pravilnejših odločitev o svojih investicijah. V diplomskem delu je bila uporabljena kombinacija različnih metod, med drugim tudi kvantitativna metoda. S kvantitativno metodo, ki zajema anketo med prebivalci Republike Slovenije, so bili pridobljeni podatki glede zaupanja in poznavanja raznolikih finančnih naložb, ki so na voljo na finančnih trgih. Analiza pridobljenih podatkov je razkrila, da velika večina anketiranih prebivalcev Republike Slovenije ne pozna in ne zaupa državnim vrednostnim papirjem in sodobnim finančnim instrumentom, prav tako pa niso seznanjeni z njihovimi tveganji. Analiza je pokazala, da anketiranci nimajo zadostnega znanja o finančni pismenosti, kar posledično negativno vpliva na sprejem raznolikih finančnih odločitev in nezmožnost izkoriščanja priložnosti, ki jih ponujajo finančni instrumenti. Diplomsko delo skupaj z analizo služi kot osnovno gradivo za boljše seznanjanje in razumevanje raznolikih finančnih naložb, saj ponuja vpogled v delovanje tako državnih vrednostnih papirjev kot sodobnih finančnih instrumentov. Namen diplomskega dela je poudarjanje pomembnosti finančne pismenosti, spodbujanje posameznikov k pridobivanju novega znanja za sprejemanje premišljenih investicijskih odločitev, hkrati pa biti podlaga za nadaljnje raziskave na tem področju.

Keywords:kriptovalute, vrednostni papirji, delnice, ETF, rudnine, obveznice, naložbene možnosti, zaupanje, tveganje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Satler]
Number of pages:X, 61 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162057 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:208056323 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of confidence of the population in government securities in comparison with modern financial instruments
The theoretical part of the thesis focuses on defining the key concepts that contribute to the understanding of financial investments and the risks associated with them. The concepts defined in the paper relate to government securities and modern financial instruments, in particular clarifying their definitions, concepts, regulation and level of safety. A deeper understanding of these key concepts plays a crucial role in improving the decision-making process of potential investors as well as in understanding the level of risk associated with a particular financial investment. By understanding this, investors are better equipped to make informed decisions about their investments. A combination of different methods was used in the thesis, including a quantitative method. The quantitative method, which consists of a survey, sent to the population of the Republic of Slovenia, contributed to obtaining data on the trust and knowledge of the various financial investments available on the financial markets. The analysis of the data obtained revealed that the vast majority of the surveyed population of the Republic of Slovenia is not familiar with and does not trust government securities and modern financial instruments, and is also not familiar with their risks. The analysis showed that the respondents lack sufficient knowledge of financial literacy, which has a negative impact on diversified financial decision-making and the inability to take advantage of the opportunities offered by financial instruments. The thesis, together with the analysis, serves as a background material for a better knowledge and understanding of diversified financial investments by providing insights into the functioning of both government securities and modern financial instruments. The aim of the thesis is to highlight the importance of financial literacy, to encourage individuals to acquire new knowledge to make informed investment decisions, as well as to present a basis for further research in this area.

Keywords:cryptocurrencies, securities, equities, ETFs, minerals, bonds, investment opportunities, confidence, risk

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