
Analiza temnih vzorcev na spletnih straneh : diplomsko delo
ID Kaluža, Nejc (Author), ID Smrdel, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo služi kot natančna analiza temnih vzorcev na spletu. Za demonstracijo delovanja temnih vzorcev smo zasnovali prototip spletne trgovine, ki uporablja nekatere najbolj pogoste temne vzorce, prisotne na spletu, in jo predstavili. Natančno smo opredelil zakonsko podlago temnih vzorcev na področju Evropske unije ter Slovenije. Osredotočili smo se na pomen ozaveščenosti uporabnikov ter na nekatere psihološke vidike, ključne pri delovanju in dojemanju temnih vzorcev. Teoretičen del diplomske naloge je zasnovan na podlagi analize obstoječih raziskav na področju temnih vzorcev. Prototip spletne trgovine je bil zasnovan s pomočjo razvojnega okolja Visual Studio Code ter paketa XAMPP, ki ga sestavljajo strežnik Apache HTTP, podatkovna baza MariaDB ter interpreter PHP. Za grafični aspekt prototipa smo uporabili označevalna jezika HTML ter CSS z dodatkom odprtokodnega »CSS« ogrodja Bootstrap. Za kreacijo podatkovne baze ter poizvedovanje smo uporabili programski jezik SQL. Grafično-dinamične elemente prototipa smo zasnovali v jeziku JavaScript. Največji del funkcionalnosti smo razvijali v programskem jeziku PHP. Skozi analizo obstoječih raziskav na področju temnih vzorcev smo spoznali, da se temni vzorci na spletu pojavljajo v najrazličnejših oblikah, ti pa skozi tehnološki razvoj postajajo vse bolj razširjeni in neopazni. Ugotovil smo, da je Evropska unija že sprejela ukrepe, ki omejujejo uporabo temnih vzorcev na spletu, a se ti zaradi svoje ohlapne definicije težko regulirajo. Ugotovili smo tudi, da temni vzorci izkoriščajo mnoge psihološke vidike uporabnikov. Zaključili smo, da je pri zaščiti pred temnimi vzorci najbolj ključnega pomena njihovo razumevanje. Potek programske kode za izdelavo prototipa prispeva k boljšemu razumevanju razvojnega vidika temnih vzorcev. Obravnava regulativ pripomore k lažjemu razumevanju problematike omejevanja temnih vzorcev. Praktični prototip služi kot demonstracija najpogosteje uporabljenih temnih vzorcev na spletu ter pripomore k lažjemu zaznavanju in razumevanju temnih vzorcev.

Keywords:temni vzorci, uporabnik, uporabniški vmesnik, košarica, skripta, funkcija, spremenljivka
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Kaluža]
Number of pages:XII, 46 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162054 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:208012035 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of dark patterns online
The thesis serves as a detailed analysis of dark patterns online. We developed a prototype online store that implements some commonly used dark patterns to easily showcase their behaviour online. We have precisely defined the legal basis around dark patterns on the scale of EU and Slovenia. We focused on the importance of user awareness and certain psychological viewpoints that are crucial in the field of dark patterns. Theoretical part of the thesis was constructed by analysing other existing research in the field of dark patterns. The prototype was developed with the help of Visual Studio Code and XAMPP package, that consists of Apache HTTP server, MariaDB database and PHP interpreter. The visual aspect of the prototype was designed in markup languages HTML and CSS, with the addition of open-source framework Bootstrap. For the database creation and management, we used the SQL programming language. Some dynamic visual elements of the prototype were developed in JavaScript. Much of the prototype was developed in PHP. Through analysis of different research in the field of dark patterns we learned that dark patterns exist in many different forms and shapes and are harder to avoid due to their larger quantities and smarter implementation. We learned that the EU already tries to limit the use of dark patterns online but it not easily manageable due to their loose definition. Dark patterns exploit many psychological aspects of online users. We concluded that understanding dark patterns is crucial in their avoidance. The showcase of prototype's program code allows to better understand the developer's point of view on dark patterns. The regulative analysis tries to inform on the difficulty on regulating dark patterns online. The prototype is a demonstration of the most used dark patterns online and helps to more easily detect and understand them.

Keywords:dark patterns, user, user interface, basket, script, function, variable

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