
Oh ta bolečina, sramota in krivda / Oh ta bolečina, sramota in krivda
ID Mihalič, Tamara (Author), ID Černelč, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Krečič Žižek, Jela (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kamnik, Andrej (Comentor)

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Z magistrskim delom raziskujem zgodovino feminizma, aktualnost feminizma v sodobnem času ter elemente v družbi, ki poglabljajo razkol med spoli. Podrobneje se nanašam na tabuizacijo in abjektnost menstrualne krvi ter raziskujem načine vpeljave omenjene tematike v javni diskurz prek umetnosti. V teoretičnem delu predstavim definicijo spolov po Simone de Beauvoir, problem prikaza ženskega telesa, zgodovino feminizma in feministični boj, postfeminizem, ki je rezultat neoliberalnih političnih okolij, obliko sovražnosti proti osebam ženskega spola ter, bolj podrobno, manosfero ter družbeni in zgodovinski pogled na menstruacijo. V praktičnem delu predstavim zvočno instalacijo, ki s svojimi elementi in varnostjo spodbuja k odprtemu diskurzu o menstruaciji ter subjektivnemu premisleku prek meditativne interakcije.

Keywords:Slikarstvo, video, animacija in novi mediji, instalacija, zvok, zvočna instalacija, prostor, magistrska naloga.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2024
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Title:(Oh, the shame, oh,the pain, oh, the guilt / Oh the pain, oh the shame, oh the guilt
My master's thesis explores the history of feminism, the relevance of feminism in contemporary times and the elements in society that deepen the gender divide. I look in detail at the tabooisation and abjectness of menstrual blood and explore the ways in which this topic has been introduced into public discourse through art. In the theoretical part I present the definition of gender according to Simone de Beauvoir, the problem of the representation of the female body, the history of feminism and postfeminism as a result of neoliberal political environments, the form of hostility against the female gender, and more specifically, the manosphere and the social and historical view of menstruation. In the practical part, I present a sound installation that, with its elements and security, encourages an open discourse on menstruation and subjective reflection through meditative interaction.

Keywords:Painting, video, animation and new media, installation, sound, sound installation, space, MA thesis.

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