
But Still, She Cries: Animirani glasbeni videospot kot prostorska intervencija
ID Đukić, Jovana (Author), ID Jenko, Radovan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrska naloga But Still, She Cries: Animirani glasbeni videospot kot prostorska intervencija je razdeljena na teoretični in praktični del. V teoretičnem delu se osredotočam na področji animacije in umetniških intervencij v javnem prostoru, predstavim zgodovinski pregled animiranega filma s poudarkom na animiranih glasbenih videospotih, izpostavim ključne mejnike in dejavnike, ki so vplivali na razvoj animiranih videospotov, pri čemer sem pozorna na raznolikost pristopov, tehnik in stilskih izrazov, ter preučim sodobnejše primere animiranih videospotov, ki kot izrazno tehniko uporabljajo kolaž in kombinirajo video ali fotografijo z elementi klasične ali stop animacije. Na področju umetniških intervencij v javnem prostoru odpiram vprašanja o naravi javnega prostora in vlogi umetnosti v tem kontekstu ter raziščem dejavnike, ki vplivajo na odnos med prostorom in umetniškim posegom. V praktičnem delu naloge predstavim proces ustvarjanja animiranega glasbenega videospota za skladbo Rahoon skupine Lilamors ter načrtovanje in izvedbo prostorske intervencije v obliki svetlobno-zvočnega paviljona v Sežani. Najprej analiziram skladbo in predstavim koncept videospota, ki sem ga zasnovala v sodelovanju z glasbeno skupino. Pojasnjujem tudi vizualni jezik in tehnično izvedbo, nato pa se osredotočim na koncept prostorske intervencije in izbiro prostora, pri čemer izpostavim ključne pogoje za izvedbo. Opišem tudi postopek izdelave in postavitve svetlobno-zvočnega paviljona ter povzamem opažanja s štirih izvedenih dogodkov. Zaključim z refleksijo o učinkih projekta na lokalno skupnost in predlagam možnosti za nadaljnje izboljšave.

Keywords:vizualne komunikacije, animacija, Rahoon, glasbeni videospot, javni prostor, prostorska intervencija, magistrska naloga
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162043 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:But Still, She Cries: An Animated Music Video as Spatial Intervention
The master's thesis But Still, She Cries: An Animated Music Video as a Spatial Intervention is divided into theoretical and practical sections. In the theoretical part, I focus on the fields of animation and artistic interventions in public spaces. I present a historical overview of animated films with a special emphasis on animated music videos. I highlight key milestones and factors that have influenced the development of animated music videos, paying particular attention to the diversity of approaches, techniques, and stylistic expressions. I examine more contemporary examples of animated music videos that use collage as an expressive technique, combining video or photography with elements of classical or stop-motion animation. In the field of artistic interventions in public spaces, I raise questions about the nature of public space and the role of art in this context, and I explore factors that influence the relationship between space and artistic intervention. In the practical part of the thesis, I present the process of creating an animated music video for the song Rahoon by the group Lilamors, as well as the planning and execution of a spatial intervention in the form of a light and sound pavilion in Sežana. I begin by analyzing the song and presenting the concept of the music video, which I developed in collaboration with the band. I also explain the visual language and technical execution. I then focus on the concept of the spatial intervention and the selection of the site, highlighting the key conditions for implementation. I describe the process of creating and setting up the light and sound pavilion and summarize observations from the four events held. I conclude with a reflection on the project's impact on the local community and suggest possibilities for further improvements.

Keywords:visual communication, animation, Rahoon, music video, public space, spatial intervention, MA thesis

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