
Oblikovanje membranske strehe
ID Kralj, Jure (Author), ID Kuhar, Rok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Mihovec, Nina (Comentor)

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Ideja za oblikovanje prednapete membranske strukture se je pojavila po prepoznanem pomankanju zaščite pred zunanjimi vplivi v atriju Akademije za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje na Dolenjski cesti 83. Izhodiščna lokacija ponuja edinstveno priložnost za vpetje tovrstne strukture na star dimnik, ki seže 12 m v nebo. Preko intervjujev, opravljenih na izbrani lokaciji sem določil številna izhodišča, ki sem jih upošteval v fazi oblikovanja. Poglobljena raziskava biomimetike ter področja prednapetih membranskih struktur je razkrila njihovo neposredno prepletenost, ki je predvsem očitna v njuni učinkovitosti. Tako kot številna področja iz narave tudi membranske strukture z izjemno učinkovitostjo izpolnjujejo svojo funkcijo v primerjavi s klasično grajenimi objekti. V tem primeru gre predvsem za prekrivanje velike površine z uporabo minimalne količine materiala. Iskanje inspiracije iz narave je rezultiralo v multifunkcionalnosti strehe. Ta poleg zaščite nudi še dodatno funkcijo zbiranja deževnice. S poudarjanjem te funkcije sem želel spodbuditi diskusijo o koristih zbiranja deževnice ter o pomankanju čiste pitne vode v prihodnosti.

Keywords:industrijsko oblikovanje, membranska streha, biomimetika, multifunkcionalnost, družbeni prostor, lahka konstrukcija, zbiranje deževnice, diplomska naloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Designing a membrane roof
The idea to create a pre-stressed membrane structure emerged after the lack of protection from external influences on the atrium of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design at Dolenjska cesta 83 was recognised. The initial location offers a unique opportunity to mount such a structure on an old chimney that reaches 12 m into the sky. Through informal interviews conducted at the chosen site, I identified a number of starting points which I took into account during the design phase. An in-depth investigation of biomimetics and the field of prestressed membrane structures revealed their direct intertwining, which is particularly evident in their effectiveness. Like many areas in nature, membrane structures fulfil their function with remarkable efficiency, compared to conventionally built structures. In this case, it is primarily a question of covering a large area using a minimum amount of material. The search for inspiration from nature has resulted in the multifunctionality of the roof. In addition to protection, it offers the additional function of rainwater harvesting. By highlighting this function, I wanted to stimulate a discussion on the benefits of rainwater harvesting and the lack of clean drinking water in the future.

Keywords:industrial design, membrane roof, biomimetics, multifunctionality, social space, lightweight construction, rainwater collection, BA thesis

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