
Termodinamična karakterizacija zlitine AlSi9Cu3 različnih proizvajalcev : diplomsko delo
ID Valenčič, Nežka (Author), ID Medved, Jožef (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Aluminij je lahek, odporen na korozijo in zelo vsestranski kovinski material, ki se pogosto uporablja v različnih industrijah, kot so avtomobilska, gradbena in letalska. Zaradi svojih odličnih mehanskih lastnosti, sposobnosti recikliranja in dobre toplotne prevodnosti je ključni material za številne visoko kakovostne izdelke. Kakovost aluminija je odvisna od čistosti, zlitinske sestave in načina obdelave, kar vpliva na njegovo trdnost, trajnost in primernost za specifične aplikacije. Visoka kakovost aluminija zagotavlja zanesljivost, dolgo življenjsko dobo in optimalne lastnosti končnih izdelkov. Glavni cilj diplomskega dela je bil oceniti kakovost aluminijeve zlitine AlSi9Cu3 treh različnih proizvajalcev. Vzorci so bili vzeti na treh mestih v proizvodnji: prvi vzorec je bil vzet iz vhodnega materiala (ingota), drugi iz talilne peči, kjer se je pretalilo ingote določenega proizvajalca s krožnim materialom istega proizvajalca v razmerju 40:60, medtem ko je bil tretji vzorec pridobljen iz lonca po procesu razplinjevanja. Za enega izmed dobaviteljev smo vzeli vzorec tudi iz končnega izdelka. Uporabili smo naslednje preiskovalne metode: enostavna termična analiza (ETA), kemijska analiza, diferenčna vrstična kalorimetrija (DSC), termodinamični izračun termodinamskih in faznih ravnotežij ter optična mikroskopija. Kemijska analiza je pokazala, da zlitina 2 vsebuje več silicija, cinka in železa, medtem ko zlitina 3 vsebuje več mangana in kroma. Fazi Al9Fe2Si2 in Al15Si2M4 imata najvišjo temperaturo strjevanja v zlitini 3a. Zlitini 1 in 3 imata višji talilni entalpiji. V mikrostrukturi je bilo v zlitinah drugega proizvajalca največ igličaste železove faze Al9Fe2Si2.

Keywords:zlitina AlSi9Cu3, termodinamični izračun, enostavna termična analiza, diferenčna vrstična kalorimetrija, metalografska analiza
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:N. Valenčič
Number of pages:XIV, 74 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162028 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:212035587 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Thermodynamic characterization of AlSi9Cu3 alloy from different manufacturers : diploma work
Aluminium is a light, corrosion-resistant and very versatile metallic material, often used in different industries such as automobile, construction and aviation industries. Due to its excellent mechanical qualities, recyclability and high thermal conductivity, it is a key material for numerous high-quality products. Aluminium quality depends on its purity levels, alloy composition and treatment method, which affect its strength, durability and suitability for specific application. High-quality aluminium ensures reliability, long service life and optimal properties of end products. The main goal of this paper was to assess the quality of AlSi9Cu3 aluminium alloy of three different manufacturers. The samples were acquired in three production stages: the first sample was taken from the input material (ingot), the second from the furnace where ingots of a certain manufacturer were smelted with a circular material of the same manufacturer in 40:60 ratio, while the third sample was acquired from the pan after de-gassing. In addition, we took a sample from the end product of one of the suppliers. The following research methods were used: simple thermal analysis (STA), chemical analysis, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermodynamic calculation of thermodynamic and phase equilibria and optimal microscopy. The chemical analysis showed that alloy 2 contains more silicon, zinc and iron, while alloy 3 contains more manganese and chrome. The Al9Fe2Si2 in Al15Si2M4 phases have the highest curing temperature in alloy 3a. Alloys 1 and 3 have the highest melting enthalpies. The microstructure of alloys of the second manufacturer contained the highest quantity of Al9Fe2Si2 needle iron phase.

Keywords:AlSi9Cu3 alloy, thermodynamic calculation, simple thermal analysis, differential scanning calorimetry, metallographic analysis

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