
Potrebe in izzivi starostnikov ob selitvi v dom za starejše : magistrsko delo
ID Rutar, Tina (Author), ID Sande, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu se ukvarjam z doživljanjem selitve v dom za starejše z vidika starostnikov ter raziskujem njihove potrebe in soočanje z izzivi, s katerimi se srečujejo v tem obdobju. V teoretičnih izhodiščih najprej predstavim obdobje starosti in staranje ter nato opišem specifične lastnosti in potrebe, značilne za obdobje starosti. Nadaljujem s pregledom družbene umeščenosti starosti in opišem možnosti oskrbe za starejše v slovenskem prostoru, s poudarkom na domovih za starejše. Na koncu se posvetim procesu selitve v dom za starejše (DSO) in predstavim nekaj primerov dobrih praks s področja selitve v DSO iz različnih držav po svetu. Glavni namen raziskave, predstavljene v empiričnem delu, je bil raziskati izkušnje starostnikov s selitvijo v dom za starejše. Želela sem ugotoviti, kakšne so (bile) njihove potrebe v posameznih obdobjih selitve, na katere izzive so v tem procesu naleteli ter kaj jim je bilo ob tem v pomoč in kaj ne. Ob tem sem želela ugotoviti, kako uspešno DSO, ki je vključen v raziskavo, odgovarja na potrebe starostnikov v procesu selitve ter katere strategije dela DSO starostniki prepoznavajo kot dobre ali pa si pri njih želijo spremembe. V raziskavi sem uporabila kvalitativni raziskovalni pristop. Rezultati kažejo, da je proces selitve za starostnike čustveno zelo razgiban proces, v času katerega se soočajo z negotovostjo, osamljenostjo, izgubo občutka doma, prilagajanjem na nov način življenja in iskanjem lastne identitete. V tem obdobju najbolj prideta do izraza potreba po osebnih odnosih ter potreba po zdravju in dobrem počutju. Pri soočanju z izzivi selitve sta najpomembnejša podporna dejavnika urejeni in ljubeči odnosi z bližnjimi ter možnosti izbire znotraj institucij. Selitev jim najbolj otežujejo predsodki in negativne predstave o življenju v DSO ter težave pri navajanju na novo okolje ali novega sostanovalca. Glede na rezultate ugotavljam, da bi bilo v prihodnosti dolgotrajne oskrbe starostnikom smiselno čim dlje omogočiti življenje v domačem okolju, ob selitvi v dom za starejše pa naj ti delujejo v smeri zagotavljanja avtonomije, ohranjanja odnosov z bližnjimi in prilagajanja oskrbe individualnim potrebam starostnikov.

Keywords:starostniki, dom za starejše, selitev, potrebe starostnikov, podporni dejavniki, oteževalni dejavniki, domovi za ostarele
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:T. Rutar
Number of pages:94, [7] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162019 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:208278275 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Needs and Challenges of Older People Moving into a Nursing Home
In my master's thesis, I address the experience of moving to a care home from the perspective of elderly individuals and explore their needs and the challenges they face during this period. In the theoretical framework, I first present the period of old age and aging, and then describe the specific characteristics and needs typical of this stage of life. I continue with an overview of the social placement of aging and describe the care options for the elderly in Slovenia, with a focus on care homes. Finally, I focus on the process of moving to a care home and present some examples of good practices related to moving to a care home from different countries around the world. The main aim of the research presented in the empirical part was to explore the experiences of the elderly with the process of moving to a care home. I wanted to understand what their needs are (or have been) at different stages of the relocation, what challenges they encountered in this process, what helped them and what did not. I also aimed to determine how successfully the care home involved in the research responds to the needs of the elderly during the relocation process and which working strategies of the care home the elderly recognize as effective or wish to see changed. I used a qualitative research approach in this study. The results indicate that the process of moving is an emotionally complex experience for the elderly, during which they face uncertainty, loneliness, loss of a sense of home, adjustment to a new way of life, and the search for their own identity. During this period, the need for personal relationships and the need for health and well-being are most pronounced. In facing the challenges of relocation, the two most important supportive factors are stable and loving relationships with loved ones and the availability of choices within institution. Prejudices and negative perceptions about life in a care home, as well as difficulties in adapting to a new environment or new roommates, make the move particularly challenging. Based on the findings, I conclude that in the future of long-term care, it would be sensible to enable elderly individuals to live in their home environment for as long as possible, and when moving to a care home, these facilities should aim to ensure autonomy, maintaining relationships with loved ones, and adapting care to the individual needs of the elderly.

Keywords:elderly, care home, moving, needs od the elderly, supportive factors, hindering factors

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