
Pohod Kira Mlajšega: od bitke pri Kunaksi do prihoda v Trapezunt : diplomsko delo
ID Koglar, Karmen (Author), ID Cedilnik, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Med najbolj znane vojaške pohode antične Grčije spada pohod Kira Mlajšega, perzijskega princa, ki se je leta 401 pr. n. št. z okrog deset tisoč grškimi najemniki odpravil na pohod z namenom, da s prestola odstrani svojega brata Artakserksa II. ter sam zavlada perzijskemu imperiju. V bitki pri Kunaksi je perzijski princ izgubil življenje, grška vojska pa se je znašla sama na sovražnem ozemlju, na neznanem terenu, brez vodje ter jasnega cilja vrnitve v domovino. Od Kunakse do Trapezunta so Grki morali premagati številne prepreke, kot so bila sovražna ljudstva, pomanjkanje hrane ter neugodne vremenske razmere. Življenje vojakov v času pohoda je bilo zaradi zahtevnih razmer izjemno težko. Njihov prihod v Trapezunt je pomenil začetek konca izjemno zahtevnega podviga. Le redki so se vrnili v domovino. Ko je vojska prispela v Trakijo, so se številni pridružili Tibronu v novi vojni proti Perziji.

Keywords:Ksenofont, Anabasis, Kir Mlajši, bitka pri Kunaksi, Trapezunt
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:K. Koglar
Number of pages:40 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162003 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:208024835 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The march of Cyrus the Younger: from the battle of Cunaxa to the arrival in Trapezus : diplomsko delo
One of the most famous military campaigns of ancient Greece is that of Cyrus the Younger, the Persian prince who, in 401 BC, set out with some ten thousand Greek mercenaries to dethrone his brother Artaxerxes II and rule the Persian empire himself. The battle of Cunaxa left the Persian prince dead and the Greek army alone in hostile territory, in unfamiliar terrain, without a leader and without a clear goal to return to their homeland. From Cunaxa to Trapezuntum, the Greeks had to overcome many obstacles, such as hostile peoples, food shortages and adverse weather conditions. The harsh conditions made life extremely difficult for the soldiers during the march. Their arrival in Trapezunt marked the beginning of the end of an extremely difficult undertaking. Few returned to their homeland. When the army arrived in Thrace, many joined Thibron in the new war against Persia.

Keywords:Xenophon, Anabasis, Cyrus the Younger, battle of Cunaxa, Trapezus

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