
Razvoj knjižničnih katalogov v Škrabčevi knjižnici
ID Blatnik Sojar, Neža (Author), ID Švab, Katarina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen magistrskega dela je bil analizirati samostanske knjižnične kataloge Škrabčeve knjižnice na Kostanjevici v Novi Gorici, njihov zgodovinski razvoj od prvih začetkov leta 1788 in obliko ter organizacijo in strukturo bibliografskih podatkov v njih. Za zbiranje podatkov smo uporabili dve raziskovalni metodi. Najprej smo izvedli metodo analize dokumentov, s katero smo pridobili podatke o obsegu knjižničnega gradiva ter bibliografskih podatkih v šestih različnih katalogih v obdobju med letoma 1788 in 1932. Za tem pa smo v mesecu marcu 2023 izvedli še intervjuje, s katerimi smo dobili odgovore o namenu in uporabi različnih vrst knjižničnih katalogov s strani uporabnikov. Rezultati opravljenih raziskav so pokazali, da imajo vsi katalogi ključne bibliografske elemente, ki so potrebni za iskanje gradiva v knjižnici. Med slednje sodita avtor in naslov dela, ki sta hkrati tudi osnovna iskalna podatka, saj uporabnik največkrat pozna ravno ime ali priimek avtorja ali naslov dela, ki ga išče. Poleg tega smo z izvedbo intervjujev ugotovili, da fizični katalogi samostanske knjižnice kljub uvedbi računalniškega kataloga še vedno nosijo pomembno vrednost. Uporabniki imajo specifične iskalne potrebe. Kataloge uporabljajo predvsem z namenom, da bi našli izgubljene inkunabule in pri tem izpostavljajo, da je iskanje v katalogih sicer zahtevno in zamudno, vendar prinaša dragocene rezultate.

Keywords:knjižnični katalogi, samostanske knjižnice, bibliografski podatki, inkunabule
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161998 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Development of Library Catalogs in the Škrabec Library
The objective of the master's thesis was to analyse the monastery library catalogues of the Škrabec Library at Kostanjevica in Nova Gorica, their historical development since their first beginnings in 1788, and the form, organisation and structure of the bibliographic data in them. Two research methods were used to collect the data. Firstly, we carried out a document analysis method, which was used to obtain information about the volume of library materials and bibliographic data recorded in six different catalogues spanning the period between 1788 and 1932. Subsequently, in March 2023, we conducted interviews to gather insights into the purpose and usage of different types of library catalogues by users. The results of the surveys showed that all catalogues have the necessary key bibliographic elements for finding materials in the library. These include the author and the title of the work, which are also the basic search information, since it is most often the author's first or last name or the title of the work that the user is looking for. Furthermore, the interviews revealed that physical catalogues of the monastery library, despite the introduction of the computer catalogue, still hold significant value. Users with specific search needs pointed out that, although searching in the catalogues is challenging and time-consuming, it yields valuable results. They primarily use the catalogues to find lost incunabula, underscoring the continued importance of the physical catalogues.

Keywords:library catalogs, monastic libraries, bibliographic data, incunabula

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