
Empatija v treh dramah Katarine Morano in Žige Divjaka : diplomsko delo
ID Devetak, Manca Tea (Author), ID Pezdirc-Bartol, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Žunkovič, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Nevrokognitivne raziskave literature dokazujejo obstoj povezave med empatijo, ki jo doživljamo do fiktivnih likov, in njenim vplivom na naše empatične zmožnosti v vsakdanjem življenju. Na primeru treh dram ustvarjalnega dvojca Katarine Morano in Žige Divjaka: Sedem dni, Usedline in Kako je padlo drevo, pri čemer upoštevam tako dramsko besedilo kot uprizoritev, izpostavljam tiste prijeme, ki v bralcu ali gledalcu uspešno sprožijo empatični doživljaj. Tri drame se povežejo v razvojni lok tematike sočutja, najprej do naključnih posameznikov iz različnih družbenih slojev, nato do cele družine kot družbene celice in na koncu še do žive narave, s katero se povezujemo v mrežo živih organizmov, družbo v najširšem smislu. Katarina Morano in Žiga Divjak v svojih projektih iščeta različne jezike (tako ubesedene kot režijske), s katerimi bralca in gledalca vzgajata v sočustvovanje do tujih usod in spodbujata v upor proti pasivni nemoči z zavzemanjem aktivnega družbenega položaja, pri čemer se problematika, podana skozi dramsko formo, lahko prenese na podobno situacijo v resničnem življenju.

Keywords:slovenska književnost, sodobna slovenska dramatika, literarna empatija, recepcijska estetika, fiktivni liki, Katarina Morano, Žiga Divjak, Sedem dni, Usedline, Kako je padlo drevo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. T. Devetak]
Number of pages:61 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161997 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2024
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Title:Empathy in Katarina Morano and Žiga Divjak’s Three Dramas
Neurocognitive studies of literature show the existence of a link between the empathy which we feel for fictional characters and the influence of that experience on our day-to-day empathic capabilities. On the case study of three dramas by the creative duo of Katarina Morano and Žiga Divjak, taking into account both the texts as well as their stage renditions, I will attempt to showcase the means by which a successful empathic reaction is provoked. The three dramas form a continuous gradation of a sympathy narrative, first relating to arbitrary individuals ranging from various societal classes, then to a family unit acting as a building block of society, and lastly to nature with which we are connected into a network of living organisms, forming a society in the broadest sense. In their projects Katarina Morano and Žiga Divjak seek different means of expression (both through words as well as directing) with which they inspire the reader or viewer into empathising with the faiths of others and ignite rebellion against passive helplessness by taking up an active position in the society, opening up a possibility of an issue presented through theatrical form applying to a similar situation in the real world.

Keywords:Slovene literature, contemporary Slovene drama, literary empathy, reception aesthetics, fictional characters, Katarina Morano, Žiga Divjak, Sedem dni, Usedline, Kako je padlo drevo

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