
Travma v postjugoslovanskem filmu
ID Jančič, Tina (Author), ID Krečič Žižek, Jela (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Filmski medij deluje kot specifično orodje za posredovanje družbeno-zgodovinskega konteksta in kulturnega spomina posameznih držav. V postjugoslovanskem prostoru so vojne v devetdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja močno zaznamovale filmsko industrijo. Že med vojnami so filmski ustvarjalci dokumentirali konflikte, danes pa nastajajo filmi, ki raziskujejo tako neposredne kot dolgotrajne posledice vojne, pri čemer se osredotočajo na kolektivno in medgeneracijsko vojno travmo. Film se izkaže kot edinstveno orodje za raziskovanje travme, saj uteleša paradoks reprezentacije travme, pri katerem poskus njene artikulacije ali prikazovanja inherentno vodi v distorzijo, nemožnost artikulacije. V diplomski nalogi zgodovinski kontekstualizaciji dogajanja na Balkanu v devetdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja sledi razdelava vprašanja, kako izbrani filmi služijo kot nosilci kulturnega spomina in kako njihova pripovedna in vizualna reprezentacija prispeva k razumevanju kolektivne vojne travme. Predmet analize bodo filmi Lepe vasi lepo gorijo, Moški ne jočejo, Najsrečnejši človek na svetu in Nikogaršnja zemlja.

Keywords:postjugoslovanski film, travma, Balkan
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2024
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Title:Trauma in post-Yugoslav Film
The film medium acts as a specific tool to convey the socio-historical context and cultural memory of individual countries. In the post-Yugoslav area, the wars of the 1990s had a profound impact on the film industry. Already during the wars, filmmakers documented the conflicts, and today films are being made that explore both the immediate and long-term consequences of war, focusing on collective and intergenerational war trauma. Film proves to be a unique tool for the exploration of trauma, as it embodies the paradox of the representation of trauma, where the attempt to articulate or represent it inherently leads to distortion, the impossibility of articulation. In the thesis, the historical contextualisation of events in the Balkans in the 1990s is followed by an exploration of how the selected films serve as vehicles of cultural memory and how their narrative and visual representation contributes to the understanding of the collective war trauma. The selected films that are going to be analysed are Pretty Village, Pretty Flame, Men Don’t Cry, The Happiest Man in the World and No Man’s Land.

Keywords:post-Yugoslav film, trauma, the Balkans

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