
Analiza nadzornih algoritmov za izbrane primere posamičnega katastrskega preurejanja zemljišč : magistrsko delo
ID Purnat, Anja (Author), ID Lisec, Anka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Golob, Peter (Comentor)

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V magistrski nalogi smo preučevali novosti geodetskih storitev, ki jih prinašata nova zakonodaja in nov informacijski sistem, predvsem z vidika samodejnih nadzornih mehanizmov pri pripravi in oddaji elaboratov katastrskih storitev. Osredotočili smo se na novosti pri nalogah, ki jih izvajajo geodetska podjetja v okviru posamičnih postopkov urejanja parcelnih meja in preurejanja zemljiških parcel, to so ureditev parcelne meje, parcelacija in izravnava meje. Posebno pozornost smo namenili novim zakonskim zahtevam in samodejnim kontrolam pri pripravi elaboratov urejanja in preurejanja parcelnih meja ter vpisa stavbe v kataster nepremičnin. Predvidevali smo, da novi Zakon o katastru nepremičnin (ZKN, 2021) skupaj s podzakonskimi akti prinaša nekatere rešitve za izzive pri izvedbi katastrskih postopkov, s katerimi smo se v preteklosti srečevali, da pa se hkrati uvaja mnogo novosti, ki zahtevajo več vsebinskega in procesnega vložka geodetskih podjetij. V ta namen smo najprej preučili aktualno zakonodajo ter skupaj s študijo primerov iz prakse identificirali glavne izzive, s katerimi se pri delu predvidoma srečujejo geodetska podjetja. Za preverjanje pravilnosti domnev smo oblikovali anketni vprašalnik in ga posredovali pooblaščenim inženirjem geodezije. Ugotovili smo, da novosti v zakonodaji in nadgradnja informacijskega sistema, kot sta digitalizacija in izboljšani postopki, prinašajo koristi v obliki učinkovitejših in natančnejših postopkov, kar izboljšuje delovanje katastra nepremičnin. Kljub temu uvajanje novih sistemov zahteva prilagoditve izvajanja katastrskih postopkov, kar lahko privede do začasnih upočasnitev delovnih procesov in integracijskih izzivov, zlasti pri usklajevanju podatkov in izvajanju kompleksnejših postopkov.

Keywords:geodezija, magistrska dela, GIG, kataster, kataster nepremičnin, katastrski postopek, parcela, parcelna meja, preurejanje zemljišč, zakonodaja, zemljiška administracija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Purnat]
Number of pages:XI, 80 str., 11 str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161986-a92f404a-95fb-71b8-8460-f5013625d104 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207965699 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The analyses of control algorithms for the selected cases of individual cadastral land rearrangements : master thesis
In the master's thesis, we examined the innovations in geodetic services brought by new legislation and a new information system, particularly from the perspective of automated control mechanisms in the preparation and submission of cadastral service documentation. We focused on the changes in tasks performed by geodetic companies within individual procedures for adjusting parcel boundaries and reorganizing land parcels, including parcel boundary settlement, land subdivision, and boundary adjustments. Special attention was given to the new legal requirements and automated controls in the preparation of documentation for boundary settlements, boundary rearrangements, and the registration of buildings in the real estate cadastre. Our hypothesis is that the new Real Estate Cadastre Act (ZKN, 2021), together with subordinate legislation, provides solutions to challenges encountered in cadastral procedures in the past, while also introducing many new provisions that demand more substantial professional and process input from geodetic companies. To this end, we first reviewed the current legislation and, through case studies from practice, identified the main challenges likely faced by geodetic companies in their work. To test the correctness of our assumptions, we designed a survey questionnaire and distributed it to licensed geodetic engineers. We found that new provisions in legislation and the upgrade of the information system, such as digitalization and improved procedures, have brought benefits in the form of more efficient and accurate processes, which improved the effectiveness of the real estate cadastre. However, the implementation of new systems requires adaptation, which may lead to temporary slowdowns in work processes and integration challenges, particularly in data harmonization and the execution of more complex procedures.

Keywords:geodesy, master thesis, cadastre, real estate cadastre, cadastral procedure, land parcel, land parcel boundary, land rearrangement, legislation, land administration

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