
Freske v prezbiteriju ž. c. Svetega duha v Sv. Duhu pri Škofji Loki
ID Pintar, Barbara (Author), ID Cerkovnik, Gašper (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Po zadnji obstoječi literaturi naj bi se svetoduški sakralni spomenik s svojimi gotskimi stenskimi slikami dobro vklapljal v kontekst »kranjskega prezbiterija« (princip poslikave, ki na stenah z vrsto apostolov aludira na »korni obhod« in se na oboku staplja v barvno pisan »baldahin«) in suško-bodeško-prileške delavnice (ena od večjih skupin poljudne kakovostne ravni, katere anonimni mojstri so skupaj z nasledniki delovali predvsem na Gorenjskem in v zahodni Sloveniji od sredine do konca 15. stoletja). Moj poskus slogovne in ikonografske umestitve pa vendarle pokaže, da stanje ni tako enoznačno. Severna prezbiterijska stena v cerkvi Svetega duha z naslikano kopico stoječih apostolov pod arkadami namreč predstavlja preplet tradicije in inovacij. Da gre za kombinacijo severnjaških in italijanskih aspektov, je možno potrditi tudi s tehnične plati. Po stilnorazvojnem dozorevanju upodobljenih likov in temperamentnejšem koloritu s toplimi toni pa prevlada humanistično racionalen in k uglašeni lepoti naravnan Mediteran – sploh v primerjavi s slikarsko dramatičnim kompleksom na bližnji Suhi in njegovim avtorjem Suškim mojstrom, v čigar filiaciji so baje nastale tudi freske v Sv. Duhu pri Škofji Loki. Evidentirana letnica nastanka (1456) v spodnjem bordurnem pasu in redek ikonografski motiv Marijine in Kristusove priprošnje v podločju jih delata še bolj svojevrstne.

Keywords:Sv. Duh pri Škofji Loki, poznosrednjeveško stensko slikarstvo, suško-bodeško-prileška skupina, »kranjski prezbiterij«, apostoli
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161984 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207989251 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Frescoes in the presbytery of the Parish Church of the Holy Spirit in Sv. Duh near Škofja Loka
According to the latest existing literature, the Holy Spirit sacral monument with its Gothic wall paintings would fit well into the context of the "Carniola presbytery" (the principle of painting which alludes to an "ambulatory" on the walls with a row of apostles, and merges into a colourful "baldachin" on the arch) and the Suha-Bodešče-Prilesje workshop (one of the major groups of semi-professional quality, whose anonymous masters worked together with their successors mainly in Upper Carniola and western Slovenia from the mid to late 15th century). My attempt at stylistic and iconographic placement however shows that the situation is not so unambiguous. The northern presbyterian wall in the Church of the Holy Spirit with its painted cluster of standing apostles under the arcades represents an intertwinement of tradition and innovation. The combination of northern and Italian aspects can also be confirmed from a technical point of view. In terms of the stylistic maturation of the depicted figures and the more temperamental colouring with warm tones, the Mediterranean style prevails in terms of humanistic rationality and attuned beauty – especially in comparison with the painterly dramatic complex at the nearby Suha and its author, the Master of Suha, whose frescoes in the Sv. Duh near Škofja Loka, are also said to have been created in his filiation. The recorded year of creation (1456) in the lower bordure band and a rare iconographic motif of the supplication of Mary and Christ in the under-arch make them even more unique.

Keywords:Sv. Duh near Škofja Loka, late medieval wall paintings, Suha-Bodešče-Prilesje group, “Carniola presbytery”, apostles

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