
Enološke lastnosti različnih vrst kvasovk rodu Hanseniaspora
ID Lenarčič, Ema (Author), ID Čadež, Neža (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Košmerl, Tatjana (Comentor)

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Namen magistrskega dela je bil preveriti vpliv inokulacije mošta s kvasovkami rodu Hanseniaspora na potek alkoholne fermentacije in senzoričnih lastnosti pridelanega vina. Ker ne-Saccharomyces kvasovka ne more dokončati alkoholne fermentacije, smo za dokončanje procesa dodali S. cerevisiae. Za poskus smo uporabili dve vrsti kvasovk rodu Hanseniaspora (H. uvarum in H. opuntiae), ki sta bili izolirani iz dveh različnih okolišev. H. uvarum (HU) je bila izolirana iz vinogradniškega okoliša Podravje, H. opuntiae (HO) pa iz naravnih okolij Havajev. Kvasovke smo inokulirali v mošt sorte Laški rizling, letnik 2019 iz vinorodne dežele Podravje. Vzorcem mošta, inokuliranih z različno koncentracijo celic (10, 100, 1000 celic/mL), smo glede na zastavljeno shemo po 24 urah ali po 72 urah dodali S. cerevisiae, ki je opravila fermentacijo do konca, ob njenem dodatku pa smo spremenili tudi temperaturo v inkubatorju. Potek smo spremljali gravimetrično in dnevno merili maso posameznih fermentorjev. Po končani alkoholni fermentaciji smo vzorce vina poslali na fizikalno-kemijsko analizo z aparatom WineScanTM. Opravili smo tudi senzorično oceno, pri kateri smo ugotovili, da je bil najbolj všečen vzorec vina z dodatkom HO kvasovk. Vino, kjer smo inokulirali kvasovko H. opuntiae, je imelo najbolj prevladujoč opisnik sadno, po cveticah in medu. Vzorci, inokulirani s kvasovko H. opuntiae in koncentracijo 1000 celic/mL, so imeli pričakovano bolj harmoničen, poln okus, prijetno aromo. Vinske kvasovke vrste H. uvarum s koncentracijo 1000 celic/mL so v povprečju dosegle hitrejšo rast in prilagoditev na mošt.

Keywords:kvasovke, Hanseniaspora, enološke lastnosti, mošt, vino, alkoholna fermentacija, senzorične lastnosti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[E. Lenarčič]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161980 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207961347 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Oenological characteristics of Hanseniaspora species
The master thesis aimed to verify the influence of inoculation of must with Hanseniaspora yeasts on the kinetics of alcoholic fermentation and the sensory characteristics of the resulting wine. Since non-Saccharomyces yeasts cannot complete alcoholic fermentation, we added S. cerevisiae to complete the process. The experiment used two yeast species of the genus Hanseniaspora (H. uvarum and H. opuntiae) isolated from two different locations. The Hanseniaspora species were. H. uvarum (HU) was isolated from the Podravje wine region and H. opuntiae (HO) from the natural environment of Hawaii. The yeasts were inoculated into must Welsh Riesling, vintage 2019, from the Podravje winegrowing region. S. cerevisiae was added to the must samples inoculated with different cell concentrations of Hanseniaspora yeasts (10, 100, 1000 cells/mL) after 24 hours or after 72 hours depending on the set scheme that carried out the fermentation until the end, and during the addition, we also change the temperature in the incubator. The process was monitored gravimetrically and the mass of each fermenter was measured daily. After the alcoholic fermentation, wine samples were sent for physicochemical analysis using WineScanTM. We also performed a sensory evaluation, where we found that the wine sample with the addition of HO yeast tasted the best. The wine into which we inoculated the yeast H. opuntiae had the most dominant descriptor fruity, followed by flowers and honey. Samples with inoculated yeast H. opuntiae and a concentration of 1000 cells/mL had a more harmonious, fuller taste and flavour, and a more pleasant aroma, as expected. The wine yeasts H. uvarum at a concentration of 1000 cells/mL showed faster fermentation kinetics and adaptation to the must.

Keywords:yeasts, Hanseniaspora, oenological characteristics, must, wine, sensory properties, alcoholic fermentation

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