
Korelacija med razporeditvijo proteinov GRASP in ultrastrukturo Golgijevega aparata med obnovo urotelija
ID Zaveršek, Tim (Author), ID Romih, Rok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Proteina GRASP65 in GRASP55 sodelujeta pri urejanju in organizaciji Golgijevega aparata (GA). GA ima ključno vlogo v biosintetskih poteh v uroteliju. Sodeluje pri procesiranju uroplakinov in njihovi organizaciji v urotelijske plake, ki se transportirajo v apikalno plazmalemo dežnikastih celic, kjer tvorijo krvno-urinsko pregrado. Raziskali smo znotrajcelično razporeditev proteinov GRASP65 in GRASP55 med obnovo urotelija po s ciklofosfamidom inducirani poškodbi v podganah ter med migracijo v kulturi urotelijskih celic SV-HUC-1. Ciklofosfamid je povzročil fokalne poškodbe z odstranitvijo urotelija, čemur je sledil prehodno hiperplastni urotelij in postopno naraščanje izražanja uroplakinov. Prenos western je potrdil prisotnost proteinov GRASP65 in GRASP55. Imunohistokemija je pokazala, da proteini GRASP po poškodbi urotelija zavzamejo zrnato, a razpršeno razporeditev po celotni citoplazmi, kot tudi, da se med obnovo urotelija razporeditev proteinov GRASP razlikuje. Elektronska mikroskopija ni pokazala razlik v ultrastrukturi GA. Prišlo je do postopnega oblikovanja fuziformnih veziklov in obnove krvno-urinske pregrade. Po poškodbi sta bila proteina GRASP v mitotskih celicah difuzno razporejena po citoplazmi, medtem ko sta v večini ostalih celic zavzela mrežasto razporeditev ob jedru. V migrirajočih celicah smo z elektronsko mikroskopijo zaznali več skladovnic GA, med katerimi ni bilo vidnih povezav. Rezultati kažejo, da med obnovo urotelija pride do preurejanja proteinov GRASP v kompleksno mrežo, kar se odraža na oblikovanosti apikalne plazmaleme površinskih celic. Poleg tega smo opisali razporeditev proteinov GRASP v celicah SV-HUC-1 v interfazi in med mitozo.

Keywords:fuziformni vezikli, Golgijev aparat, GRASP55, GRASP65, obnova urotelija, urotelij, urotelijski plaki
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[T. Zaveršek]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161978 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:208088323 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2024
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Title:Correlation of GRASP distribution and Golgi apparatus ultrastructure during urothelial regeneration
GRASP65 and GRASP55 proteins are engaged in structuring and organizing the Golgi apparatus (GA). GA has a central role in the biosynthetic pathways in urothelium. It participates in uroplakin processing and their organization into urothelial plaques, which are delivered to the apical plasma membrane of terminally differentiated urothelial cells, where they form the blood-urine permeability barrier. We investigated cellular distribution of GRASP65 and GRASP55 during urothelial regeneration after cyclophosphamide-induced injury in rats and during cell migration in SV-HUC-1 urothelial cell culture. Cyclophosphamide caused focal injuries of urothelial tissue, exposing the basal lamina, followed by temporarily hyperplastic urothelium and gradual increase of uroplakin expression. Western blot showed the presence of both GRASP65 and GRASP55. Immunohistochemical methods showed both GRASP proteins were distributed as dicreet spots diffused throughout the cytoplasm after injury, however, their distributions differed. Electron microscopy did not show any ultrastructural differences in the organelle. We documented the gradual reestablishment of fusiform vesicles and the blood-urine barrier. In mitotic cells both GRASP proteins were finely diffused throughout the cytoplasm, whereas they formed a continuous ribbon close to the nucleus in most other cells. The transmission electron microscopy of GA ultrastructure analysis showed the organelle in the shape of several cisternae which did not appear to be laterally connected to eachother. The results show that during urothelial regeneration GRASP proteins form a complex matrix, which is correlated to the changes of the apical plasmalemma of surface cells. Injury in cell culture induces cell migration to the site of injury. We also documented the localisation of GRASP proteins in SV-HUC-1 cells in interphase as well as during mitosis.

Keywords:fusiform vesicles, Golgi apparatus, GRASP55, GRASP65, urothelium, urothelial plaques, urothelial regeneration

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