
Molekularna opredelitev in epidemiološke značilnosti rinovirusov pri bolnikih z akutno okužbo dihal
ID Berginc, Nataša (Author), ID Petrovec, Miroslav (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Sočan, Maja (Comentor)

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Rinovirusi so najpogostejši povzročitelji okužb dihal pri ljudeh, zato predstavljajo visoko javnozdravstveno in socioekonomsko breme. Razvoj ukrepov za obvladovanje le-tega omogočajo podatki o kliničnih in epidemioloških lastnostih rinovirusov, ki so omejeni. Cilj longitudinalne molekularno-epidemiološke raziskave je bil pridobiti zadostne, statistično relevantne, znanstvene podatke za celovito opredelitev molekularne epidemiologije rinovirusov. V osemletnem obdobju smo zbrali vzorce zgornjih dihal 20.425 bolnikov z akutno okužbo dihal, iz vseh starostnih skupin, ki so bili obravnavani v primarnem zdravstvu ali v bolnišnicah v okviru nacionalnega programa spremljanja gripi podobnih bolezni in akutnih okužb dihal. Z RT-rPCR smo pri 1834 bolnikih potrdili okužbo z rinovirusi. S filogenetsko analizo nukleotidnega zaporedja za prekurzor beljakovin VP4/VP2 smo 1480 rinovirusov genotipizirali. Informacijo o genotipski raznolikosti smo preučili v povezavi s standardiziranimi demografskimi, kliničnimi, epidemiološkimi in meteorološkimi podatki. Ugotovili smo, da rinovirusi krožijo preko celega leta z različno intenziteto. Natančno smo opisali vsakoletni spomladanski in jesenski val povečanega kroženja ter ugotovili visoko stopnjo genotipske raznolikosti v posameznih valovih. Potrdili smo statistično pomembno korelacijo med genotipsko raznolikostjo rinovirusov in starostjo bolnikov ter med bolniki iz primarnega zdravstva in iz bolnišnic. Potrdili smo negativno korelacijo in statistično pomemben vpliv povprečne temperature zraka na kroženje rinovirusov. Identificirali smo genotipe, za katere z večjo verjetnostjo predpostavljamo, da povzročajo večje javnozdravstveno breme (ker so se pojavljali v največjem deležu, z največjo frekvenco, v vseh starostnih skupinah, izključno pri bolnikih iz bolnišnic). Informacije, ki smo jih pridobili v raziskavi, omogočajo opredelitev molekularne epidemiologije rinovirusov in zagotavljajo izhodišče za razvoj ukrepov za obvladovanje njihovega javnozdravstvenega bremena, kar bi bilo v prihodnje potrebno vezati na integrirano virološko in epidemiološko spremljanje povzročiteljev respiratornih okužb.

Keywords:Picornaviridae, rinovirusi, genotipizacija, epidemiologija, akutne okužbe dihal
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[N. Berginc]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161967 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207949315 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Molecular characterisation and epidemiological properties of rhinoviruses in patients with acute raspiratory tract infection
Rhinoviruses are one of the most common causative agents of respiratory infections in humans and represent a high public health and socioeconomic burden. To address these issues, understanding the clinical and epidemiological features of rhinoviruses is essential, but this information is limited. The aim of our longitudinal study was to collect sufficient, statistically relevant, scientific data for a comprehensive understanding of the molecular epidemiology of rhinoviruses. Over the period of eight years, nasal and throat swabs from a total of 20.425 patients with acute respiratory infection, from all age groups, examined in primary health care clinics and in hospitals were tested in the national programme for the surveillance of influenza like illnesses and acute respiratory infections. Infections with a rhinovirus were confirmed by an RT-rPCR in 1834 patients and 1480 rhinoviruses were genotyped by the phylogenetic analysis of their partial VP4/VP2 nucleotide sequences. Information on genotype diversity was linked to standardised demographical, clinical, epidemiological, and meteorological data. We described the year-round circulation of rhinoviruses with varying intensity resulting in two seasonal waves, in spring and in autumn, with confirmed high levels of genotype diversity. We confirmed a statistically relevant correlation between genotype diversity in patients of different age groups and between patients examined in primary health care clinics and in hospitals. We confirmed a negative correlation and a statistically relevant effect of the average temperature on rhinovirus circulation. We identified genotypes causing a potentially higher public health burden (those that were present in higher proportions, with higher frequencies, in all age groups, exclusively in patients from hospitals). New information collected in the present longitudinal study supports a precise description of the molecular epidemiology of rhinoviruses and the development of public health prevention strategies to contain their burden on society. In the future, this development should be linked to the integrated virological and epidemiological surveillance of respiratory infections.

Keywords:Picornaviridae, rinoviruses, genotyping, epidemiology, acute respiratory tract infection

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