
Ocena uspešnosti različnih fizioterapevtskih protokolov po operativnem zdravljenju nestabilnosti gležnja - pregled literature : diplomsko delo
ID Kunstelj, Sara (Author), ID Vauhnik, Renata (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kacin, Alan (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Zvin gležnja, zlasti poškodba anteriornega talofibularnega ligamenta, predstavlja eno najpogostejših poškodb mišično-skeletnega sistema. V osnovi lateralne zvine gležnja zdravimo konzervativno, vendar pri 20–40 % primerov pride do kronične nestabilnosti, kar zahteva kirurški poseg. Z več kot 50 opisanimi kirurškimi tehnikami za zdravljenje kronične nestabilnosti gležnja postopek Broström-Gould velja kot zlati standard. Vse bolj se v literaturi in praksi uveljavlja artroskopska tehnika, ki naj bi veljala za bolj uspešno pri pacientih s hudo poškodbo anteriornega talofibularnega ligamenta, visokim indeksom telesne mase in pri visoko intenzivnih športnikih, saj povzroči manjšo travmo za okoliško tkivo in zato krajši čas rehabilitacije. Čeprav so bile opravljene številne raziskave, še vedno ni znano, kateri pooperativni fizioterapevtski protokol prinaša najboljše rezultate. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je na podlagi literature narediti pregled fizioterapevtskih protokolov po kirurškem zdravljenju nestabilnosti gležnja in oceniti njihovo uspešnost. Metode dela: Iskanje literature je potekalo v elektronski podatkovni zbirki PubMed, pri tem pa so bile uporabljene ključne besede »lateral ankle instability« AND »surgery« AND »rehabilitation«. Vključene so bile prosto dostopne raziskave v angleškem jeziku. Rezultati: Na podlagi vključitvenih in izključitvenih kriterijev je bilo v končni pregled vključenih sedem raziskav. Pooperativni fizioterapevtski protokoli med raziskavami so se razlikovali. Imobilizacija v večini raziskav predstavlja prvo fazo rehabilitacije, medtem ko nadaljnja rehabilitacija vključuje vaje za krepitev mišic spodnjih udov, raztezne vaje za pridobitev obsega giba in vadbo propriocepcije. V vseh raziskavah so po kirurškem posegu zabeležili manjšo bolečino in boljšo funkcijo gležnja. Pri analizi podskupin pacientov ni bilo bistvenih razlik v rezultatih glede na spol in starost pacientov, opazili pa so vpliv indeksa telesne mase na funkcionalne rezultate in čas vrnitve k športnim aktivnostim. Kirurški zapleti so bili redki. Razprava in zaključek: Rezultati sedmih raziskav nakazujejo, da kirurška rekonstrukcija lateralnih ligamentov pri kronični nestabilnosti gležnja ne glede na uporabljeno kirurško tehniko in nenatančen pooperativni fizioterevtski protokol prinaša odlične klinične izide. Nadaljnje raziskave so ključne za razumevanje vpliva zgodnje mobilizacije in različnih fizioterapevtskih protokolov na dolgoročne rezultate zdravljenja.

Keywords:diplomska dela, fizioterapija, lateralna nestabilnost gležnja, operacija, fizioterapevtski protokoli, uspešnost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[S. Kunstelj]
Number of pages:24 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161956 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207953923 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Assessment of the success of different physiotherapy approaches after surgical management of ankle instability – literature review : diploma work
Introduction: Ankle sprain, especially injury to the anterior talofibular ligament, is one of the most common injuries of the musculoskeletal system. Lateral ankle sprains are treated conservatively, but 20–40% of cases develop chronic instability requiring surgical intervention. With more than 50 surgical techniques described for the treatment of chronic ankle instability, the Broström-Gould procedure is considered the gold standard. The arthroscopic technique is increasingly being used in the literature and in practice, which is said to be more successful in patients with severe damage to the anterior talofibular ligament, a high body mass index and in high-intensity athletes, as it causes less trauma to the surrounding tissue and therefore a shorter rehabilitation time. Although numerous studies have been conducted, it remains unclear which postoperative physiotherapy protocol provides the best outcomes. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis was to review physiotherapy protocols after the operative treatment of ankle instability based on a review of the literature. Methods: The literature search was conducted in the electronic database PubMed using the keywords "lateral ankle instability" AND "surgery" AND "rehabilitation". Openly available surveys in the English language were included. Results: Based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, seven studies were included in the final review. Postoperative physiotherapy protocols varied among the studies. Immobilization in most studies represents the first phase of rehabilitation, while further rehabilitation includes exercises to strengthen the muscles of the lower limbs, stretching exercises to gain range of motion, and proprioceptive training. In all studies, less pain and better ankle function were recorded after surgery. In the analysis of subgroups of patients, there were no significant differences in the results according to the gender and age of the patients, but the influence of the body mass index on the functional results and the time of return to sports activities was observed. Operative complications were rare. Discussion and conclusion: The results of seven studies suggest that surgical reconstruction of the lateral ligaments in chronic ankle instability produces excellent clinical outcomes, regardless of the surgical technique and imprecise postoperative physiotherapeutic protocol. Further research is essential to understand the impact of early mobilization and different physiotherapy protocols on long-term treatment outcomes.

Keywords:diploma theses, physiotherapy, lateral ankle instability, surgery, physiotherapy protocols, efficiency

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