
Lidarski sistem z več vidnimi polji za zagotavljanje varnosti v robotiki
ID Pogačnik, Luka (Author), ID Munih, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V zadnjih letih se na področju industrijske robotike kaže trend nekoliko povečane uporabe sodelujočih robotov. Trenutno varnost dosegajo z omejevanjem moči in sil, nadaljnji razvoj pa poteka tudi na področju zagotavljanja varnosti z nadzorom nad hitrostjo in varnostno razdaljo. To lahko izmerimo z uporabo zunanjih globinskih kamer, demonstrirana pa je bila tudi uporaba množice individualnih lidarjev, pritrjenih na robota. Namesto uporabe množice individualnih lidarjev, bi morda lahko podoben efekt dosegli z uporabo centraliziranega lidarja, čigar vidna polja s pomočjo zrcal statično prerazporedimo vzdolž robotovega segmenta. Ta vidna polja podajajo perspektivo iz množice točk na segmentih robota. Izdelali smo lidar z več kanali, ki omogoča vpogled v vse interne signale. Z njim smo preučili vpliv zrcal in prizem na meritev razdalje. Preizkusili smo različne vrste zrcal v čistem in nekoliko zaprašenem stanju. Poleg tega smo preverili tudi vplive preusmerjanja svetlobe med več sosednjimi kanali. Ugotovitve kažejo, da tip zrcala ni pomemben, velik vpliv pa imajo nečistoče na zrcalu. Del svetlobe se odbije že od njih, skupaj z odbojem svetlobe od tarče pa se signala seštejeta v popačen odboj, ki prinese negativno merilno napako. Zaradi vzpostavljanja novih svetlobnih poti prek sosednjih zrcal, lahko do napake pride tudi, kadar so zrcala za preusmerjanje sosednjih svetlobnih poti znotraj vidnega polja opazovanega kanala. Če je dodatna svetlobna pot krajša od primarne, privede do negativne merilne napake, v nasprotnem primeru pa je napaka pozitivna. V obeh primerih so napake prisotne le na delu merilnega območja. Poleg tehnične izvedbe prerazporejanja vidnega polja smo se poglobili tudi v možno uporabo. Za dobro rekonstrukcijo okolice robota je potrebno poznati pozicije in oblike vidnih polj uporabljenih senzorjev, kar je ne trivialna zahteva. Vendar dobra rekonstrukcija okolice za povečanje varnosti morda ni nujno potrebna. Izdelan in preizkušen je bil sistem za sprotno zaznavanje nepričakovanega posega v robotov delovni prostor, ki deluje na podlagi primerjave trenutnih meritev z vsebino prilagodljive referenčne tabele. Za določanje pripadajoče referenčne vrednosti se zanaša na poznavanje trenutnih pozicij in hitrosti robotskih sklepov. Sistem je preizkušen, ustrezno delovanje pa je prikazano tudi v sodelujoči aplikaciji, kjer se človek giblje v neposredni bližini in mu nenehno posega v delovni prostor.

Keywords:lidar, preusmerjanje vidnega polja, zrcalo, vpliv na meritev, adaptivna referenca
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Publication date in RUL:17.09.2024
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Title:Multi-field-of-view lidar system for safety in robotics
In recent years, there has been a shift in industrial robotics towards increased use of collaborative robots. Currently, safety is ensured by power and force limiting, but further development is also happening in the area of speed and separation monitoring. This can be measured using external depth cameras, and the use of multiple individual lidars attached to the robot has also been demonstrated. Instead of using multiple individual lidars, the same effect might be achieved by using a centralized lidar, whose fields of view (FOVs) are statically redistributed along the robot's segment using mirrors. These fields of view provide perspective from multiple points on the robot's segments. We developed a multi-channel lidar that provides insight into all internal signals. With it, we examined the influence of mirrors and prisms on distance measurement. We tested different types of mirrors in both clean and dusty conditions. Additionally, we also investigated the effects of light redirection between multiple adjacent channels. Findings indicate that the type of mirror is not significant, but dust on the mirror has a significant impact. Some light is reflected off it, and when combined with the reflection of light from the target, the signals add up to distorted reflection, resulting in a negative measurement error. Due to the establishment of new light paths, errors can also occur when mirrors for redirecting adjacent light paths are within the FOV of the observed channel. If the additional light path is shorter than the primary one, it leads to a negative measurement error; otherwise, the error is positive. In both cases, errors occur only in part of the measurement range. In addition to the technical implementation of FOV redistribution, we also delved into possible applications. For a good reconstruction of the robot's surroundings, it is necessary to know the positions and shapes of the FOVs of the sensors used, which is a non-trivial requirement. However, a good reconstruction of the environment might not necessarily be required to increase safety. A system for real-time detection of unexpected intrusion in the robot's workspace has been developed. To determine the corresponding reference value, it relies on knowledge of the current positions and velocities of the robot's joints. The system has been tested and its proper operation is also demonstrated in collaborative applications, where a person moves in close proximity and constantly intrudes in the robot’s immediate vicinity.

Keywords:lidar, FOV redirection, mirror, effect on measurement, adaptive reference

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